Find Your Mentor In Medical School

Career advising aligned with your professional interests. 

Medical school faculty member mentoring students in a career in medicine

The Specialty ACE program was launched in 2021 to enhance career development opportunities for medical students at all levels. The Specialty ACEs are experienced faculty advisors enthusiastic about mentoring medical school students in their specialty.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Establish a cohort of faculty members within their Department to support their advising efforts. Cohort members are medical school faculty members who span clinical and research arenas within their specialty.

  • Serve as the "go-to person" within the Department when medical school students are interested in learning more about their specialty.
  • Serve as the "go-to person" within the Department when other medical school faculty members, Deans, and College Chairs would like to refer a student to learn more about their specialty.
  • Meet with medical students to explore their interests, and match students with potential mentors within their Department.
  • Oversee the student “Specialty Interest Group,” or identify a faculty colleague to run with this responsibility.
  • Help medical students navigate the application for residency process in their specialty.

Connect with a ACE Specialty

John S. Shin, MD
Director, Medical Student Education 

Judi A. Turner, MD, PhD
Vice Chair for Education

Michael O. Nguyen, MD, PhD, FAAD
Director of Medical Student Education at UCLA Dermatology

Paul A. Kedeshian, MD
Associate Clinical Professor

Travis Shiba, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor 

Interested in learning more about Internal Medicine? Please complete this brief interest form so that we can connect you with one of our outstanding faculty advisors.

Interest Form

Neveen S. El-Farra, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine

Jodi L. Friedman, MD
Clinical Professor

John Ly, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor

Marvin Bergsneider, MD
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery


Jeremiah Johnson, MD
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery

Erica D. Oberman, MD
Associate Clinical Professor

Deborah Lehman, MD
Clinical Professor & Assistant Dean 

Meeryo C. Choe, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor 

Ginger Slack, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor