Support for all your academic needs

On your path towards your degree(s). 

The Student Affairs Office staff is here to help you navigate enrollment, registration, and academic records. 


Student Records

You can access your Letter of Good Standing and/or Enrollment Verification Letter through the Student Document Portal. 

Student Document Portal

If you have issues accessing your letters through the Student Document Portal, please let us know, and submit a Document Request Form.

Document Request Form (PDF)

The completed form may be returned by email to Processing time is 3-5 business days depending on the time of year and volume of requests. 

Name changes are processed for current students only. Complete both DGSOM and UCLA Name Change Forms.

DGSOM Name Change Form (PDF)

UCLA Name Change Webpage


  • All former names are retained in student records.

  • All current and former student names are included on the academic transcript.

Unofficial Transcripts

You can access unofficial transcripts through the Student Document Portal. 

Student Document Portal

Official Transcripts

For Official Transcript requests, please complete and submit a Document Request Form (PDF).

Document Request Form (PDF)

The completed form may be returned via email to Processing time is 5-10 business days depending on the time of year and volume of requests.

Registration and Fees

Your enrollment is contingent upon payment of registration fees. You may not attend courses without the payment of registration fees.

Term Fees

Term Fees (semester or summer session) are flat amounts assessed to all full-time students based on enrollment status (undergraduate, graduate, professional) and program, not on enrolled units. Costs for housing, books, materials, etc. are not included.

Annual and Term Student Fees

Health Science Summer Fees

Health Science Summer Fees

Residence Requirements

UC charges different tuition for in-state and out-of-state students. California residence for tuition purposes is different from other definitions of California residence.

Residence Requirements

Your enrollment is contingent upon payment of registration fees. You may not attend courses without the payment of registration fees.

2024-25 Fees Assessment Dates and Payment Deadlines


Registration fees are billed through a student’s BruinBill account, which can be viewed through MyUCLA. Payments can be made by e-check or credit card through MyUCLA, mailed, or deposited in the Payment Solutions and Compliance office dropbox at 1125 Murphy Hall.

BruinBill account

Attendance and Time Off

PLEASE NOTE: Jury Duty is a legal obligation, and our general guidelines do not supersede the processes of any jurisdiction. Court processes may vary, so please contact the number on your summons should you have any questions. While the DGSOM can compose a letter on your behalf, it is your responsibility to mail the form. Only a letter or notification from the court serves as an exemption.


First Time Receiving a Jury Summons Call

Call the Jury Service hotline telephone number listed on the summons to request a postponement of your service date. Select a date as far ahead as possible as all jurors are entitled to one postponement. On occasion, doing so will remove you from the jury pool altogether.

Second Jury Summons

If you receive a second summons, or were informed that you will not receive a second summons, request a Jury Duty Exemption Letter one month prior to your service date. Complete and submit a Document Request Form with the pertinent information from your summons.

Document Request Form (PDF)

The completed form may be returned via email to Processing time is 3-5 business days depending on the time of year and volume of requests. 

  • You are responsible for mailing the letter with the Jury Summons form.
  • We recommend you make a copy of the letter and summons for your records. 

After the Jury Summons and Exemption Letter has been mailed, call the original Jury Service hotline telephone number, listed on the summons, and ask to speak with a court specialist to explain your situation and request to have your summons placed on "hold" while the Exemption Letter is processed by the court system.

You MUST speak with a court specialist. Your service will be placed on "hold" for 30 days. This should be adequate time for the court system to process the Exemption Letter. The process of reaching a court specialist over the phone is tedious and can take up to a 30-minute telephone hold time. If your jury duty service in not placed on "hold" while the letter is being processed it could result in a re-summoning to jury duty, and you could be considered as a "failed to appear in court" if your assigned or selected jury duty service date has passed.

Any student who requires more than one week but less than six weeks of time off from the curriculum may request "Time Off" by submitting a "Time Off" From Curriculum Request Form to the Student Affairs Office.

Time Off From Curriculum Request Form (PDF)

There may be a variety of reasons for granting this request, as determined by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Students interested in taking time off from the curriculum must first contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, who will consider the merits of each individual case and work with the individual student and appropriate faculty.

Lee Todd Miller, MD
Associate Dean for Student Affairs


Resources and document requests.


Document request and academic forms.


Student portal for all your curricular needs.

Connect with Us

Student Affairs Office 

The DGSOM Student Affairs Office staff are telecommuting. Our Staff is available via email or phone call to support your curricular needs. 

Office Hours: 

  • Monday- Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Closed on Thursdays 10:00am - 11:15am

Location: Geffen Hall, Suite 200 
Telephone Number: 310-206-0434
Fax Number: 310-794-9574

Mailing Address:

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Student Affairs Office
Geffen Hall, Suite 200 
885 Tiverton Drive, Box 951720
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1720