Contact Information

If you have a question about the Lab Coat Laundry program beyond the information provided here, contact the DGSOM Research Safety Office:

Phone: 310-825-9356
Location:CHS A2-071

Option 1: PPE Distribution Program for New Researchers

  1. UCLA’s PPE Lab Coat Distribution Program is a cost-sharing program that provides labs with minimum personal protective equipment (PPE). Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for ensuring that adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) is available to their lab workers. 
  2. Please visit the EH&S PPE Lab Coat Distribution Program website for information on how to obtain PPE.

Option 2: Purchase Lab Coats and Scrubs at the Health Sciences Store

Browse the ASUCLA Health Sciences Store for information on scrub and lab coat purchase

Phone: (310) 825-7721
Location: CHS Health Sciences Courtyard

Option 3: Inherit or Borrow Coats

It's perfectly acceptable to share coats, provided the PPE is suitable for the work you'll do, that it fits you well, and that there's enough PPE for everyone to wear when they need it. Look into free used and left behind coats. 

Web-Based Log Sheet

Bookmark to log all lab coats. Works on both mobile devices and desktop computers. Available Now for Jules Stein, CHS, BSRB and MRL.

Lab Coat Log Sheet

Map of Laundry Locations on Campus

If you have any questions regarding the laundry program, please email

See Location Map