Key Contacts
UC Police Department (UCPD) & UCLA Fire:
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S):
(310) 825-9797
Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM):
(310) 825-2200
(310) 267-7100
(310) 825-9236
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.
Bruin Safe Online
UCLA Campus StatusPrepare
- Obtain a map of all emergency exits, staircases and fire alarm pull stations in your building
- Determine possible escape routes and location of the nearest building exits
- Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
- Call 9-1-1 and report incident to supervisor
- Obtain medical attention
- Follow RACE:
- Relocate: Be aware of those who may need immediate assistance and guide people away from danger
- Before opening any door, feel doorknob with the back of your hand. If hot, do not open
- Alarm: Pull fire alarm to alert others. Call 911 immediately; then, call the Facilities Management to report exact location of fire/smoke
- If alarm fails to operate, warn nearby occupants by knocking on doors and shouting warnings only if safe and time permits
- Confine: Close doors (do not lock) as you exit if it is safe to do so. Shut off fuel sources such as piped or bottled gas, only if safe and time permits
- Evacuate: Leave the building and move towards your assembly area. Do not use the elevator. Alert emergency responders of individuals who are trapped or unaccounted for
- Relocate: Be aware of those who may need immediate assistance and guide people away from danger
- If there is smoke, stay low and crawl to the nearest exit
- Use a fire extinguisher to put out a minor fire
- Follow P.A.S.S.:
- Pull the pin or the ring
- Aim nozzle at the base of fire from about 8 feet away
- Squeeze or press the handle to activate discharge
- Sweep the nozzle slowly from side to side, aiming at the base of the fire
- Continue discharge until fire is extinguished or extinguisher is empty
- Follow P.A.S.S.:
- Clothing Fire
- Stop, drop and roll!
- This will help smother the flame. If a safety shower is near, drench the fire with water
- Stop, drop and roll!
- Do not return to the building until emergency officials deem safe to do so
- If trapped during fire:
- Call 911 and tell them your exact location and situation
- Place a blanket or similar article that is preferably wet along the bottom of the door to keep smoke out
- Retreat. Close as many doors between you and the fire as possible
- Hang a light-colored material out the window to attract the attention of rescue teams below if possible
- See lab fire procedures.