A collection of curated resources for providing feedback to learners, simple how-to guides, and information for obtaining your teaching evaluations in Undergraduate Medical Education (UME). 

A trainee and a mentor review notes together, both in blue lab coats


Constructive Narrative Feedback

This self-guided module is intended for instructors who give narrative feedback to our students, not just in clinical settings, but also in courses such as Early Authentic Clinical Experience (EACE), Foundations of Practice (FOP), Scientific Foundations of Medicine (SFM), Longitudinal Clinical Experience, as well as for events such as OSCEs.

Self-Guided Module

Utilizing the Student Performance Evaluation (SPE) Tool for Clerkships (Pass/Fail Grading)

In March 2022, the Medical Education Committee voted in favor of core clerkships being graded on a Pass/Fail basis effective as of the 2022-2023 academic year.  The video below dives into the components that contribute to the final grade.

Video Coming soon! 

Grading on the Four-Tier System (4th Year Grading)

Fourth-year clinical rotations (400 level, 300 level and 200 level with the exception of global health) are graded using the 4-tier Clinical Grade system of Honors/ High Pass/ Pass and Fail.  The video below dives into the components that contribute to the final grade.

Grading on the Four-Tier System Video

Process to Ensure Timely Submission of Grades

Review the system in place to ensure fair and timely summative assessment of medical student achievement guaranteeing final grades are available within six weeks of the end of a course or clerkship.

Process to Ensure Submission of Grades_Clerkships

Reviewing your UME Individual Faculty Evaluations

We are currently in the process of sunsetting the legacy CoursEval system. If you would like to obtain your faculty evaluations, please email: evaluation@mednet.ucla.edu and the Evaluation and Measurement Unit will provide you with your consolidated evaluation report.

How to Guides & FAQs: