PRIME Council
Build leadership skills, influence the direction of PRIME

The PRIME-LA Council was established in 2009 by PRIME students with the mission of further developing leadership skills by providing all PRIME students with the opportunity to help influence the direction of the program when PRIME-LA was in its formative years. Today, we continue to promote the development of future physician leaders through peer mentorship and student support, community engagement and curricular development.
Each year PRIME-LA students participate in a variety of activities emphasizing community service to underserved communities and outreach towards pre-health students.
Additional activities focus on strengthening the bond among PRIME-LA students as well as among PRIME students in the larger statewide PRIME community.
Some of these activities include:
- Outreach to pre-health students through MiMentor, UCLA Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine and events at other local universities.
- Attendance at the annual PRIME statewide conference attended by PRIME medical students throughout California.
- Mentorship and bonding among PRIME cohorts through the annual PRIME holiday parties, student retreats and graduation banquets.