Metabolism Research
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Why don't we have a cure for diabetes?
Orian Shirihai, MD, PhD describes how teamwork is the foundation of progress in the field of metabolism at UCLA. Learn more about the research efforts in this area for the UCLA Metabolism Research Theme.
Metabolism and Mitochondria
Every biological process requires energy. Mitochondria, the parts of a cell that break down energy, have breathtaking vitality. These dynamic bodies – up to 1,000 in each cell – zoom around, continuously changing shape, dividing into segments, and then bonding back together. Trillions of mitochondria perform their dances, nonstop, during a person’s lifetime. The need to understand this dance, and the other intricacies of human metabolism, is critical to better medical treatment.

A cross campus initiative
UCLA Metabolism Theme investigators and physicians have ideas and evidence about how metabolic processes can be reset in some disorders, potentially creating pathways for improved treatments and possible cures.

A unique environment
To best fuel ideas and support new approaches to metabolic parameters, we partner with internal and external entities to bring in talent, provide educational seminar series and facilitate workshops.
UCLA’s Metabolism Research Theme aims to translate basic science discoveries to patient care in several areas, including the control of body weight, the link between metabolism and cancer, and gender differences in susceptibility to metabolic diseases. To catalyze these efforts, we are establishing the UCLA Institute for Molecular Metabolism, to be housed in the newly renovated UCLA Center for Health Sciences.
We seek your partnership in the effort to help the millions of individuals struggling with diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders. Join the cause.
Investments of all sizes empower transformations.
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Metabolism-focused startup aims to shorten time between scientific insight and therapies
Stem cells offer hope for hair growth
First description of mEAK-7 gene could suggest path toward therapies for cancer, other diseases
Scientists identify 2 hormones that burn fat faster, prevent and reverse diabetes in mice
Inhibiting metabolism found to be effective in treating aggressive form of lung cancer