Bioscience Post-Grads Conducting an Experiment

Promising biomedical discoveries

The UCLA Technology Development Group (TDG) oversees activities to facilitate the translation and commercialization of UCLA discoveries, with the goal of addressing unmet medical needs.

For five of the past six years TDG, in collaboration with DGSOM, has hosted the premier bioscience event in LA known as LABEST (LA Bioscience Ecosystem Twenty22). Highlights of this year’s event include:

More than 1,000 registrations and 850 attendees from academia (UCLA, Caltech, USC), industry and venture capital.
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Six of the 12 LA life sciences incubators were featured in a day-long showcase to highlight LA’s vibrant startup ecosystem.
All seven of the Unified Research Themes along with the Institute for Precision Health hosted interactive showcases of their research, translational faculty, and multi-disciplinary collaborations and startups.
More than $400,000 in sponsorship was raised to subsidize the cost of the event for faculty and student registrations.
Recipient of a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office.
An entrepreneurial educational program was organized with Nucleate (a student-led organization that facilitates the formation of pioneering life science companies) and the Postdoc Association.
The LABEST steering committee with sponsors and representatives from TDG and DGSOM meets regularly to plan the program for each year’s event.
A Fireside Chat was featured with Drs. Owen Witte and Michael Jung to discuss their entrepreneurial experiences and the future of entrepreneurship at UCLA.