Awards for Education

Awards for Education
The Dean's Office is pleased to sponsor two awards in recognition of outstanding contributions to the educational mission: The Kaiser-Permanente Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Serge and Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award, which were established in 1991 and 2009 respectively.
These are peer-reviewed awards that recognize the outstanding dedication, innovation, and sustained excellence in clinical and classroom teaching.
The awards honor exceptional educators at the David Geffen School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals who have made exceptional contributions to medical education. The awardees receive an honorarium and recognition at a special award ceremony and at graduation.
The Kaiser-Permanente Award for Excellence in Teaching is focused on medical student education and designed for faculty who meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria:
- Carried an exceptional teaching load, including medical school teaching, with sustained excellence over the years
- Created educational innovations
- Managed an educational component with skill, innovation, enthusiasm, and success
- Played a key role in interdepartmental educational activities
The Serge and Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award's primary focus is clinical teaching of medical students and residents and is designed for faculty who meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria:
- Carried an exceptional clinical teaching load for students and/or residents
- Sustained excellence as a clinical teacher, with at least 10 years on faculty at UCLA
- Demonstrated evidence of a scholarly approach to clinical teaching and clinical work
- Noted by peers for the value of his/her clinical teaching and clinical care
The 2025 award cycle is now closed.
Past Award Recipients
View recipients by decade.
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Rachel P. Brook, MD, FACP - Medicine, UCLA
- Amanda Kosack, MD, FAAP - Pediatrics, UCLA
- Tyler B. Larsen, MD - Medicine, West Los Angeles VA
- Ryan A. Pedigo, MD, MHPE - Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA
- Wendy M. Simon, MD - Medicine, UCLA
- Justin P. Wagner, MD - Surgery, UCLA
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Alan T. Chiem, MD, MPH - Emergency Medicine, Olive View-UCLA
- Deborah Lehman, MD - Pediatrics, UCLA
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Yvette M. Bordelon, MD, PhD | Neurology (UCLA)
- Formosa C. Chen, MD, MPH | Surgery (Olive View-UCLA)
- Rebecca N. Dudovitz, MD, MSHS | Pediatrics (UCLA)
- Sarah Gustafson, MD | Pediatrics (Harbor-UCLA)
- Jason S. Lee, MD | Anesthesiology (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Timothy R. Donahue, MD, FACS | Surgery (UCLA/VA)
- Gilberto Granados, MD, MPH | Family Medicine (Harbor-UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Brandon S. Ito, MD, MPH - Psychiatry & Biobehav. Sci. (UCLA)
- James H. Lee, MD, FAAP - Pediatrics (UCLA)
- Shonda L. Revels, MD, MS - Surgery (UCLA)
- Misty C. Richards, MD, MS - Psychiatry & Biobehav. Sci. (UCLA)
- Elizabeth Tsai, MD - Anesthesiology (Olive View)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Carol J. Bennett, MD - Urology (UCLA/VA)
- Edward W. Lee, MD, PhD - Radiology (UCLA)
- Quinton Gopen, MD - Head & Neck Surgery (UCLA)
- Wayne W. Grody, MD, PhD - Pathology & Lab. Med. (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- James W. Bisley, PhD - Neurobiology/Psychology (UCLA)
- Esteban C. Dellï'Angelica, PhD - Human Genetics (UCLA)
- Sharon L. Hame, MD - Orthopaedic Surgery (UCLA)
- Yue Ming Huang, EdD, MHS - Anesthesiology (UCLA)
- Warwick J. Peacock, MDSurgery (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Areti Tillou, MD, FACS, MSEd - Surgery (UCLA)
- Benjamin K. Woo, MD - Psychiatry (Olive View)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Peyman Benharash, MD - Surgery (UCLA)
- Chandra N. Smart, MD - Pathology & Lab. Med. (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Christian de Virgilio, MD - Surgery (Harbor-UCLA)
- Monica Sifuentes, MD - Pediatrics (Harbor-UCLA)
- Tisha Wang, MD Medicine (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Christopher M. DeGiorgio, MD, FAAN - Neurology (UCLA)
- Dennis Y. Kim, MD, FCCP - Surgery (Harbor-UCLA)
- Jason P. Williams, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Michael W. Yeh, MD, FACE - Surgery (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Kathleen Brown, MD, FACR - Radiological Sciences (UCLA)
- Michael E. Lazarus, MD, FACP - Medicine (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Alan T. Chiem, MD, MPH - Emergency Medicine (Olive View)
- Estebes Hernandez, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Edward W. Lee, MD, PhD - Radiological Sciences (UCLA)
- Benjamin K. Woo, MD - Psychiatry (Olive View)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- John M. Stern, MA, MD - Neurology (UCLA)
- Judi A. Turner, MD, PhD - Anesthesiology (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Tomer Begaz, MD - Emergency Medicine (UCLA)
- Arthur Cho, MD - Pediatrics (Cedars)
- Magdalena Ptaszny, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Noel Boyle, MD, PhD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Nader Kamangar, MD - Medicine (Olive View)
- Robert Suh, MD - Radiological Sciences (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Jonathan Bergman, MD, MPH - Urology & Family Medicine
- M. Elena Stark, Md, PhD - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- Iljie K. Fitzgerald, MD, MS - Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Barbara M. Kadell, MD, FACR - Radiological Sciences
- Lorraine C. Young, MD, ABD - Medicine/Dermatology
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Jeffrey M. Rusheen, MD - Anesthesiology
- Neil H. Parker, MD - Internal Medicine
- Lynn K. Gordon, MD, PhD - Ophthalmology
- David C. Chen, MD - Surgery
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Gasser M. Hathout, MD - Radiology
- Christophter M. Tarnay, MD - Ob/Gyn
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Henry M. Honda, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Lacey Wyatt, MD, MPH - Family Medicine (UCLA)
- Isaac Yang, MD - Neurosurgery (UCLA)
- Edward Ha, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Gary N. Holland, MD - Ophthalmology (UCLA)
- Deborah Lehman, MD - Pediatrics (Cedars-Sinai)
- Thomas O'Dell, PhD - Physiology (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Mallory D. Witt, MD - Medicine (Harbor-UCLA)
- Thomas J. Mattimore, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Carol Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, FACEP - Pediatrics (Harbor-UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Jason D. Napolitano, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Anita L. Nelson, MD - Ob/Gyn (Harbor/UCLA)
- Nader Kamangar, MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM - Medicine (Olive View)
- Carol M. Newton, MD, PhD - Biomathematics (UCLA)
- Risa M. Hoffman, MD, MPH - Internal Medicine (UCLA)
- Areti Tillou, MD - Surgery (UCLA)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Soma Wali, MD, FACP - Internal Medicine (Olive View)
- Thomas Graham, MD - Emergency Medicine (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Lee Todd Miller, MD - Pediatrics (UCLA)
- Neveen S. El-Farra, MD - Medicine (UCLA)
- Eryn Ujita Lee, PhD - Biological Chemistry (UCLA)
- Ken P. Roos, PhD - Physiology (UCLA)
- Waguih William IsHak, MD - Psychiatry (Cedars-Sinai)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- David Nelsen Alexander, MD - Neurology (UCLA)
- Robin Farias-Eisner, MD, PhD - Ob/Gyn (UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Kathleen Brown, MD - Radiology
- Christopher Michael DeGiorgio, MD - Neurology
- Nancy L. Wayne, PhD - Physiology
- Denise K.C. Sur, MD - Family Medicine
- Alan Wilkinson, MD, FRCP - Medicine
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- Barbara S. Giesser, MD - Neurology Howard A. Reber, MD - Surgery
- Michael J. Gitlin, MD - Psychiatry
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Michael J. Sopher, MD - Anesthesiology (CHS)
- Quynh Pham, MD - Medicine, Physical Medicine/ Rehab (VA-GLA)
- Lynne Marie Smith, MD - Pediatrics (Harbor/UCLA)
- Carl D. Stevens, M.D - Medicine, Emergency Medicine (Harbor/UCLA)
- Christopher B. Cooper, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- William P. Melega, PhD - Molecular/Medical Pharmacology (CHS)
Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award Recipients
- James W. Davis, Jr., MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Darryl Y. Sue, MD - Medicine (Harbor/UCLA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Jane E. L. Weinreb, MD - Medicine (VA-GLA)
- Robert Pechnick, PhD - Psychiatry (Cedars)
- Gabriel Danovitch, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Andrea J. Rapkin, MD - Obstetrics/Gynecology (CHS)
- Neil S. Wenger, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- O. Joe Hines, MD - Surgery (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- John A. Belperio, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Joshua I. Goldhaber, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Michael E. Lazarus, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Michael I. Lewis, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- Eric A. Savitsky, MD - Emergency Medicine (CHS)
- Alice A. Kuo, MD, PhD, MEd - Pediatrics (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Margaret L. Stuber, MD - Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences (CHS)
- Ronald A. Edelstein, EdD - Dean's Office (Drew)
- Janet P. Pregler, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Jonathan R. Hiatt, MD - Surgery (CHS)
- Robert K. Oye, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Matthew R. Leibowitz, MD - Medicine (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Bruce A. Ferrell, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Stanley G. Korenman, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD
- Sally J. Krasne, PhD - Physiology (CHS)
- Alistair J. Cochran, MD - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (CHS)
- Ashley K. Christiani, MD - Family Medicine (CHS)
- Gregory A. Brent, MD - Medicine (WLAVA)
Merrill Flair Award
- LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Wendy C. Coates, MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine (Harbor)
- Christian de Virgilio, MD, FACS - Surgery (Harbor)
- Lorraine Williams-Smith, MD, MPH, FACS -
- Otolaryngology (Drew) Bojan Cercek, MD, PhD - Medicine (Cedars)
- Soma Wali, MD, FACP - Internal Medicine (Olive-View)
- John McD. Tormey, MD - Physiology (CHS)
- Shaleen Metten, PhD - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Baxter Larmon, PhD, MICP - Emergency Medicine (CHS)
- Jonathan S. Berek, MD - Obstetrics & Gynecology (CHS)
- Jan H. Tillisch, MD - Medicine - Cardiology (CHS)
- Harry V. Vinters, MD, CRCPc), FCAP - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Daphne P. Calmes, MD - Pediatrics (Drew)
- Theodore R. Hall, MD - Radiology (CHS)
- Bruce A. Chernof, MD, FACP - Medicine (Health Net)
- Jimmy H. Hara, MD, FAAF - Family Medicine (Kaiser-LA)
- Neil H. Parker, MD - Dean's Office/Internal Medicine (CHS)
- William J. Dignam, MD - Obstetrics-Gynecology (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Roger A. Gorski, PhD - Neurobiology (CHS)
- Shobita Rajagopalan, MD, FACP - Medicine/Hematology - Oncology (CHS)
- Gary J. Schiller, MD - Medicine (Health Net)
- Lloyd J. Brown, MD - Pediatrics (Cedars)
- Joshua I. Goldhaber, MD - Medicine (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Theodore Q. Miller, MD - Radiology (Drew)
- Carolyn R. Houser, PhD - Neurobiology (CHS)
- Linda G. Baum, MD, PhD - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (CHS)
- Eric S. Daar, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- Freny V. Mody, MD - Medicine (WLAVA)
- Arthur G. Gomez, MD - Medicine (SFMP)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Theodore Q. Miller, MD - Biological Chemistry (CHS)
- Hugh A. Gelabert, MD - Surgery (CHS)
- Theodore R. Brooks, MD - Family Medicine (Drew)
- Randolph H. Steadman, MD - Anesthesiology (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Ronald K. Tompkins, MD - Surgery (CHS)
- Robert B. Trelease, PhD - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (CHS)
- LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD - Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (CHS)
- Margaret L. Stuber, MD - Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences (CHS)
- Lewis A. Hamilton, MD - Obstetrics/Gynecology (Drew)
- Karlon H. Johnson, MD - Family Medicine (Drew)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD - Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (CHS) Presenter
- Monica Sifuentes, MD - Pediatrics (Harbor)
- Susan Stangl, MD, MSEd - Family Medicine (CHS)
- Mary Ann Baker, PhD - Anatomy (UCR/UCLA Biomedical Program)
- Thomas A. Drake, MD - Pathology and Lab Medicine (CHS)
- Mark S. Litwin, MD, MPH. - Urology (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Carmine Clemente, PhD - Neurobiology (CHS)
- Judith Delafield, PhD, MD - Medicine (WLAVA)
- Kate Perkins, MD, PhD - Pediatrics (Cedars)
- Martin Pops, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Richard Usatine, MD - Family Medicine (CHS)
- Michael Zucker, MD - Radiology (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Peter V. Barrett, MD - Medicine (St. Mary's)
- Howard A. Bessen, MD - Emergency Medicine (Harbor)
- Thomas Peter, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- Stuart J. Slavin, MD, MEd - Pediatrics (CHS)
- Michael S. Wilkes, MD, PhD - Medicine (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Dennis Cope, MD - Medicine (Sepulveda VA)
- Ronald Koretz, MD - Medicine (Olive View)
- Faramarz Naeim, MD - Pathology (CHS)
- Mark Noah, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- J. Thomas Ungerleider, MD - Psychiatry (NPI)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Anthony M. Adinolfi, PhD - Anatomy (CHS)
- Carol D. Berkowitz, MD - Pediatrics (Harbor)
- A. Gray Ellrodt, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- John M. Graham, Jr., MD, ScD - Pediatrics (Cedars)
- Louis J. Ignarro, PhD - Pharmacology (CHS)
- Adrian J. Williams, MD - Medicine (WLAWVA)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Robert H. Coombs, PhD - Psychiatry (CHS)
- Steven A. Hayashi, MD - Medicine (WLAWVA)
- Jerome R. Hoffman, MD - Medicine (CHS)
- Lawrence S. Maldonado, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
- Ronald H. Stevens, PhD - Microbiology & Immunology (CHS)
- John McD. Tormey, MD - Physiology (CHS)
Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Education
- Phyllis Guze, MD - Medicine (WLAWVA)
- James Miller, PhD - Microbiology & Immunology (CHS)
- Lee Todd Miller, MD - Pediatrics (Cedars)
- Donald Paglia, MD - Pathology (CHS) Leonard Rome, PhD -
- Biochemistry (CHS) Prediman K. Shah, MD - Medicine (Cedars)
Contact Information
Christina Kim
Executive Assistant to the Vice Dean for Education
David Geffen School of Medicine