Faculty Requirements
Here's what you should know and expect in the process
Relevant Financial Disclosures

All individuals in a position to influence the planning, designing, delivery, evaluating and analyzing education interventions are required to disclose the presence or absence of relationships with ineligible companies, regardless of their profession or career status, including students, residents, fellows, other healthcare workers, community partners, patients, etc. Individuals must update their disclosure form if there is a change before continuing in their role.
The following must be disclosed. The CCPD team will determine, along with the course director or designee, if the relationship is a relevant financial relationship.
Please note: Individuals refusing to disclose will not be permitted to participate in planning, designing, delivering, evaluating, and analyzing education interventions.
Mitigating Strategies
The Center for CPD team or designee will review all disclosed relationships to determine their relevance. The intent is to take steps to prevent all those with relevant financial relationships from inserting commercial bias into the content.
Mitigate relationships before the individuals assume their roles. Appropriate steps must be developed, approved, and implemented before the individual starts their role. The plan must be appropriate for each of their role within the activity. For example, steps for planners will likely be different than for faculty and occur before planning begins.
Mitigation could include one or more of the following options:
- Restricted to not teaching in the area of the program where conflicts exist
- Limited to presenting only data and research results; conclusions and recommendations to be made by the individual(s) without relevant financial relationships with an ineligible company
- Refraining from making recommendations regarding products and services.
- Prospective peer review of content/presentation by experts without relevant financial relationship(s) with an ineligible company
- The recusal from the activity
Under the "fair use" provision of the Copyright Act of 1976, individuals are permitted to photocopy and distribute portions of copyrighted works for educational use without securing permission from the owner or paying royalties. The law in this area is quite general. However, the conditions listed below must be met. It is the expectation that faculty presenters will fully comply with the expectations outlined in the law. Refer to the resources guide.
Content Validation
Individuals presenting content to learners agree to comply with the Center for CPD’s policies to ensure that the education is fair and balanced and that any clinical content displayed or distributed supports safe, effective patient care.
Anything displayed or delivered as a part of the educational interventions without exception must comply with the following:
- Recommendations for patient care are based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning while giving a fair and balanced view of diagnostic and therapeutic options. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 1.1]
- Scientific research referred to, reported, or used in this educational activity in support or justification of a patient care recommendation conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 1.2]
- New and evolving topics for which there is a lower (or absent) evidence base, are clearly identified as such within the education and individual presentations. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 1.3]
- It does not advocate for or promote practices that are not, or are not yet, adequately based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 1.3]
- It excludes any advocacy for, or promotion of, unscientific approaches to diagnosis or therapy, or recommendations, treatment, or manners of practicing healthcare that is determined to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 1.4]
- The content promotes improvement in health care and not the proprietary interest of a commercial interest (ineligible company). [Standards for Integrity and Independence 5.1]
- Therapeutic views must give a balanced view, usage of generic names; if trade names must be used, several companies must be used. [Standards for Integrity and Independence 5.2]
- The content includes references
- Not include any patient identifiers
- Comply with copyright laws
Content that does not meet the standards will be subject to modification or exclusion.
Cultural and Linguistic Competency (CLC) / Implicit Bias (IB)
The Medical Association (CMA) believes cultural and linguistic competencies are essential to providing quality and accessible care and also acknowledges that society has embedded and endemic structural racism and biases that affect an individual’s care.
To help bridge the gap, CMA’s continuing medical education (CME) team (CMA CME) has updated cultural and linguistic competency (CLC) standards and created standards for implicit bias (IB) that reduce health disparities, as well as comply with state law. CME providers must meet the various components to comply with state law beginning on January 1, 2022, and thereafter.
Business and Professions (B&P) Code Section 2190 requires CMA to develop standards for CLC and IB for inclusion in CME activities. B&P 2190 is codified through Assembly Bill (AB) 1195 (Coto, 2005) and AB 241 (Kamlager-Dove, 2019).
The Center for CPD aligns with these beliefs and has set expectations for all individuals involved with the planning, delivery, or influencing content will integrate these expectations into the educational interventions.
Experiential Education
We strive to create experiential educational interventions for our learners. The educational design and delivery methods are identified based on the professional practice gaps, desired changes, and outcome goals. We partner with our faculty presenters’ aids in delivering the educational content in the method identified and translates to an increased ability to have the anticipated outcome and change impact.
Example formats include:
- Audience Q&A
- Case-Based
- Debate
- Demonstration
- Didactic
- Facilitated Discussion
- Group Discussions
- Interactive Learning
- Panel
- Practice w/Feedback
- Reflection
- Role-Play
- Simulation
- Storytelling
Honoraria & Speaker Fees
An honorarium is considered a one-time fee for faculty presenting content in the educational activity. The availability of honoraria will vary by the course, and the scale is determined and communicated to faculty during the planning phase. All honoraria must be approved and follow UC policies.
Documentation will be required to process the approved honorarium, including the following:
- Faculty Speaking Engagement Confirmation
- W9
Travel Reimbursement
Guest faculty may be eligible for travel reimbursement. Reimbursable expenses are outlined in the confirmation packet and must comply with the University travel policies.
Individuals will be responsible for submitting the appropriate documentation for processing travel reimbursements.
Documentation will be required to process approved expense reimbursements, including:
- UCLA Travel Reimbursement Worksheet
- Receipts
Commercial/Other Support
Faculty agree to not accept any monetary or in-kind contributions associated with the activity except as outlined in the official activity confirmation communication.
For questions, concerns, or guidance, please contact the CCPD course lead, course chair, or our office at ccpdfaculty@mednet.ucla.edu.