Your milestones are an important part of your journey.

Embrace the future. Savor the moment.

Medical Students matching stand in a courtyard together holding their match letters up with big smiles.

You've worked hard to make it to where you are and every year during your tenure at the David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) at UCLA there are opportunities to let loose and reflect on your achievements.

A group of medical students wearing white coats pose for a selfie after the white coat ceremony.

White Coat Ceremony

Every year, DGSOM hosts a White Coat Ceremony for incoming first-year students. This ceremony caps off the Base Camp course, ushering students into their first year of medical school.

White Coat Ceremony
Medical school teacher speaking at event

Service of Gratitude

The Service of Gratitude is an annual event held to honor, with sincere gratitude, the selfless legacy of the individuals who have donated their remains to DGSOM for the advancement of medical education and research.

Service of Gratitude
A fourth year medical student explains her research at Scholarship Day at UCLA

Senior Scholarship Day

Students share their findings and experiences from a rich array of diverse research and community engagement projects every year.

Scholarship Day Info
Medical school students on Match Day

Match Day

Match Day is when medical students all over the country rip open their envelopes to learn where they have been accepted for residency. During the DGSOM Match Day, our medical students take their next steps as future leaders in health and medicine.

Match Day
Female medical student graduate walks during commencement ceremony 2022


On commencement day, DGSOM graduates became doctors, receiving their doctoral hoods and reciting the Hippocratic Oath.


MD Student Events

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