BSCRC-MCDB Microscopy Core Lunch & Learn Seminar
Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner

The BSCRC-MCDB Microscopy Core will be hosting Evident for a lunch and learn seminar and demo featuring their Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner. Please join us to evaluate the instrument as a potential tool for our users to enhance their imaging workflow through automated slide imaging (and associated time savings) and obtain high quality images.
Please find more details below as well.
Subject: Meet the SLIDEVIEW VS200 High Volume Research Slide Scanner
Date: Thursday, February 20th
Time: 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Location: BSRB 154
To Register: Olympus VS200 Lunch & Learn Registration. Lunch generously provided to all registered attendees by Evident.
Description: The Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner supports multiple slide formats, magnifications from 2X to 100x, and very thick tissue. Scan with brightfield, fluorescence, darkfield, polarized light and phase contrast. Designed to capture high-resolution images of your slides for quantitative analysis, the system enables you to make the most of the information your slides have to offer.