Volunteer Clinical Appointments & Promotions Committee
The Volunteer Clinical Appointments and Promotions Subcommittee
The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Faculty Executive Committee's Volunteer Clinical Appointments and Promotions Subcommittee meets quarterly to review dossiers submitted by clinical departments for the appointment and/or promotion of volunteer clinical faculty to the Associate Professor and Full Professor levels. Once dossiers are approved by the subcommittee, they are then presented to the FEC for final vote. Dossiers for appointment and/or promotion to the clinical instructor and assistant professor levels are reviewed and approved by the departments and do not require FEC review.
Access the Volunteer Clinical Appointments and Promotions Committee By-Laws
Dossier Submissions for Voluntary Faculty at Associate Professor and Full Professor Levels:
- See the dossier checklists here below then email a pdf of the complete dossier to Michael Ruan at mruan@mednet.ucla.edu.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dossier Checklist - Voluntary Faculty Appointments and Promotions (Word Document)
- PROFESSOR Dossier Checklist - Voluntary Faculty Appointments and Promotions (Word Document)
Dossier Submissions for Voluntary Faculty at Clinical Instructor and Assistant Professor Levels:
Each department has their own bylaws and dossier requirements for their voluntary clinical faculty. Contact the department specific academic personnel coordinator involved with Voluntary faculty appointments.
The By-Laws are available on BOX for all DGSOM faculty, staff and students.
Access the By-Laws


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