Jerome Rotter, MD, PhD
Professor-in-Residence, Pediatrics and Human Genetics
He is the Director of the Institute for Translational Genomics and Population Sciences. He conducts large-scale genomic studies of common diseases using outbred American populations and has made major contributions to the understanding of juvenile diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and atherosclerosis. These studies have been conducted in collaboration with clinical, physiologic, and epidemiologic investigators, often in multi-site studies such as the IRAS (Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis) Family Study, the Mexican-American Hypertension – Insulin Resistance Study (PI), the Mexican-American Coronary Artery Disease (MACAD) Study (PI), the CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study), PARC (Pharmacogenetics of Cardiovascular Risk Factor) Study, ADAGES (African Decent and Glaucoma Evaluation Study) (MPI), and the MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) Family Study.