Jose Chevalier and Nam Yong Cho

For Veterans Day, UCLA is highlighting the journeys of three UCLA student veterans, who share their stories of immigration and their passion for medical science. Two of the student veterans are medical students at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA: Jose Chevalier and Nam Yong Cho.

Read their full stories at UCLA Newsroom: "They proudly served their adoptive nation – and found a path to medicine along the way"

Chevalier is a first-year medical student who transferred to UCLA, where he received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering.

Jose Chevalier: The mission is compassion

“Sometimes it’s overwhelming how much information is bestowed upon us,” said the Navy veteran and student at the Geffen School of Medicine. “One topic alone will have a physiological, pathological, pharmacological, anatomical and histological aspect to it.”

Cho is a third-year medical student who received his bachelor's degree in biochemistry at UCLA.

Nam Yong Cho: From combat comes a passion for trauma care

Of all the choices a third-year medical student could make, Nam Yong Cho has selected one of the toughest career options: trauma surgery. It’s front-line duty that isn’t for the faint of heart. Cho, known for a calm, steady demeanor, is drawn to it.