Research Areas


headshot of Dr. Linda Demer

Linda L. Demer, MD, PhD

Professor, Medicine; Professor, Physiology; Professor, Bioengineering Vice Chair, Department of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Eduardo Marbán

Eduardo Marban, MD, PhD

Professor In Residence, Medicine; Professor In Residence, Physiology; Director, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
Peipei Ping

Peipei Ping, PhD

Professor of Physiology, Medicine/Cardiology, & Biomedical Informatics; Director of Integrated Data Science Training in Cardiovascular Medicine @ UCLA; Associate Director of Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAI) Computer Science.
headshot of Dr. Tamer Sallam in a black suite

Tamer I. Sallam, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine & Physiology Vice Chair, Department of Medicine Co-Director UCLA Center for Lipid Management Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Rene R. Sevag Packard

Rene R.S. Packard, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor In-Residence, Medicine; Assistant Professor In-Residence, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Physiology


Headshot of Stephen Caldwell Cannon

Stephen C. Cannon, MD, PhD

Chair of Physiology, Interim Chair of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology, Interim Director, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging


Balijit Khakh

Baljit S. Khakh, PhD

Professor, Physiology; Professor, Neurobiology; Associate Director of Research, Brain Research Institute; Vice Chair, UCLA Neuroscience; Director, UCLA Physiology Outreach Program
Istvan Mody

Istvan Mody, PhD

Distinguished Professor, Neurology; Distinguished Professor, Physiology

Structural Biology

Shimon Weiss

Shimon Weiss, DSC

Distinguished Professor, Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; Distinguished Professor, Physiology, Department of Physics, Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, 52900 Israel

Transporters/ Channels/ Receptor / Biophysics

Headshot of Stephen Caldwell Cannon

Stephen C. Cannon, MD, PhD

Chair of Physiology, Interim Chair of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology, Interim Director, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging
Balijit Khakh

Baljit S. Khakh, PhD

Professor, Physiology; Professor, Neurobiology; Associate Director of Research, Brain Research Institute; Vice Chair, UCLA Neuroscience; Director, UCLA Physiology Outreach Program
Shimon Weiss

Shimon Weiss, DSC

Distinguished Professor, Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; Distinguished Professor, Physiology, Department of Physics, Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, 52900 Israel