2025 Medical Education Day

The Curricular Affairs Office is excited to announce the 2nd Medical Education Day at the David Geffen School of Medicine in-person on November 13, 2025. The DGSOM community of educators including faculty, fellows, residents, students, and staff are welcome to attend. Medical Education Day features learning and networking opportunities for faculty and staff educators who teach at the David Geffen School of Medicine.

DGSOM Medical Education Day will highlight the scholarly work of UCLA students, residents, faculty, and visiting scholars. The program features keynote lectures, workshops, and a poster fair showcasing the variety and quality of education research in the DGSOM community. 

Call for Nominations and Proposals

Workshop Proposals – Due September 1st 

Workshops will be 60 minutes in length and should highlight innovations or best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment across the continuum of medical education. We recommend posters be interactive with time for Q&A at the end of your session. 

Submit Workshop Proposal

Education Innovations Proposals – Due September 1st

Education Innovations should highlight medical education research and innovative activities and include appropriate methods related to the objectives of the research and accurate interpretation of the findings. Proposals will be selected for poster or oral presentation.

Submit Education Innovations Proposal