Year One - MS1
Case-based learning and early clinical experiences
A focus on case-based learning for students to think like a physician from the first year of medical school. Four core courses comprise the year.
MS1 Foundations Schematic

The first year begins with Base Camp and is followed by three concurrent courses: Scientific Foundations of Medicine, Foundations of Practice, and Early Authentic Clinical Experience. Structural Racism & Health Equity, Ethics & Humanities are threaded throughout the HEALS curriculum, beginning in Year 1.
Base Camp (Year 1)
Pre-matriculation activity to prepare first-year medical students for the pre-clerkship curricular components (i.e. Early Authentic Clinical Experience / Foundations of Science / Foundations of Practice).
Components of the base camp include but are not limited to: Social Determinants of Health, Ethics/Professionalism, Basic/Introductory Clinical skills, and Essential Basic Science concepts.
Base Camp Course Director: Natasha Wheaton, MD
Scientific Foundations of Medicine (Year 1)
Understand the physiologic and pathophysiologic basis of disease through in-depth and active learning of the medical sciences with emphasis on the clinical application of concepts, processes, and discoveries. Foundation of Science is taught in Year 1 as well as during Intersession in Year 2.
Components of the foundation of science include: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Genetics, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular & Cellular Biology, and many more new and emerging areas such as mental health, prevention & nutrition, and more.
Scientific Foundations of Medicine Course Director: Esteban Dell’Angelica, PhD
Foundations of Practice (Year 1)
Acquire the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) to provide exemplary clinical care to diverse patient populations.
Components of the foundation of practice include: Interpersonal communication skills, medical interviews, clinical examination skills, clinical reasoning and many more new and emerging areas such as: social & structural determinants, population health, quantitative medicine, inter-professional teamwork, bioethics & decision making.
Foundations of Practice Course Directors:
Early Authentic Clinical Experience (Year 1)
Expose first-year medical students to immersive, real-life clinical experiences that will provide context and application opportunities to the KSA acquired in Foundations of Practice, and begin to form their professional identity.
Students will have an opportunity to play roles such as: health coach, patient navigator, intake (“MA-like”), etc…in a variety of different health settings such as in: student-run free clinics, “Hot spotting (In-Home visiting program)” and in community-based clinics/FQHC’s.
Early Authentic Clinical Experience Director: Adriana Izquierdo, MD, MSc