a classroom desk with books stacked on the left, a book open on the right with a tablet on top and an empty desk in the back with two blue chairs in front of a whiteboard
Hosted by: DGSOM Professionalism Council

The Professionalism Council at the David Geffen School of Medicine would like to invite you to the 13th Annual Healthcare Ethics Symposium, which will be held on Wednesday, April 3 at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The newly re-imagined Healthcare Ethics Symposium is a night of case-based discussion about ethical scenarios related to relevant interdisciplinary healthcare topics as well as healthcare-system based ethical questions. This event will be moderated by Dr. S. Sayeed, the director of the Global Health Program at DGSOM and led by panelists from the School of Nursing, the Ethics Center at DGSOM, School of Medicine, and Law. There will be free dinner provided to participants who RSVP using the flyer attached. The event will be held at Geffen Hall 148, located on the main medical school campus. We will also offer the option of anyone who would like to attend to attend via Zoom as well (if they reach out to us / RSVP). 

RSVP here: https://uclahs.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e5Mk0UWQHyZSDJQ