Deadlines & Opportunities

Applications for ReMIND-L are now open and due March 5, 2024, by 2 p.m. PST.

Learn More!

The ReMIND-L Awards supports expansive, cross-disciplinary, multi-investigator projects that propose impactful or innovative research that would:    

  • Uncover novel mechanistic insights into the pathobiology of neuropsychiatric disorders or further current understanding of disease mechanisms, 
  • Address major bottlenecks in the study of neuropsychiatric disorders, 
  • Extend understanding of neuropsychiatric disease mechanisms to diverse human populations, or 
  • Identify and/or validate novel therapeutic hypotheses, targets or biomarkers for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. 

Please download the ReMIND-L Request for Applications and read about program requirements before submitting your application. Potential applicants should contact program Science Officer Dr. Chan Lek Tan ( to discuss program requirements and research proposals.
To assist applicants, CIRM also plans to conduct a live webinar and Q&A session on this opportunity on January 8, 2024. Please register here to attend. Recordings of the webinar and FAQs will be posted here no later than 1 week after the live webinar. 

Submit an Application

  1. Go to the Grants Management Portal and log in with your existing CIRM Username and Password. If you do not have a Username, Click on the “New User” link and follow the instructions to create a CIRM Username and password.
  2. Click on the Menu tab. Select the tab labeled “Open Programs“. Under the section labeled “RFAs and Programs Open for Applications“, click on the “Start a Grant Application” link for your selected program.
  3. Complete each section of the Application by clicking on the appropriate link and following the posted instructions. Proposal templates can be located and submitted under the “Uploads” section.
  4. To submit your Application, click on the “Done with Application” button. The “Done with Application” button will be enabled when all of the mandatory sections have been completed. Please note that once this has been selected, you will no longer be able to make changes to your Application.

To confirm submission of your Application, select the tab labeled “Your Applications” and check the table under the section labeled “Your Submitted Applications“. You will see your Application number and project title listed once the submission process has been completed.
For updates on future application rounds, visit our Funding Opportunities page or subscribe to receive email alerts