Hosted by: UCLA Graduate Writing Center, and Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

JCCC Office of Cancer Training and Education is inviting graduate students, residents, clinical fellows and postdocs to attend NIH Fellowship application writing workshop organized in collaboration with the UCLA Graduate Writing Center. This workshop will cover the application process and required components of an NIH NRSA application. Our presenter is a past recipient of NIH NRSA award and will discuss preparation, documents required, and writing strategies for the F31, but the F30 and F32 are very similar. This will also address how to find appropriate materials/resources for a complete application. This workshop is free for all UCLA students.

Please find attached flyer and feel free to pass it along to all eligible trainees who may be interested in attending this.


When: Thursday, September 26th, 5:15pm -6:45 PM

Graduate Students can RSVP here:

Postdocs/Residents and Fellows can RSVP here:


Supporting Document(s)