I AM AFRO-LATINX - MOLAA’s Afro-Latinx Expert Led Exhibition
Hosted by: Museum of Latin American Art

In collaboration with the Museum of Latin American Art, join in this live, expert-led virtual tour that celebrates and honors African heritage and its influence in Latin America. Through a key selection of artworks and artistic perspectives, this virtual exhibition encourages an open conversation through art around important themes like race, power, heritage, and revisiting the fight for identity in communities of African descent. Artists discussed include Victoria Santa Cruz (Peru, 1922-2014), Alexandre Arrechea (Cuba, 1970), Patricia Encarnación (Dominican Republic, 1991), Carlos Martiel (Cuba, 1989), and Liliana Angulo Cortés (Colombia, 1974), among others. Bring a pen and a piece of paper for an interactive doodle activity! 

Contact DGSOMJEDI@mednet.ucla.edu with any questions regarding this educational event.