Important Contacts

Key Contacts

UC Police Department (UCPD) & UCLA Fire:          9-1-1

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S):                  (310) 825-9797

Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM): (310) 825-2200

DGSOM Security:                                                        (310) 267-7100 

Facilities Management (FM):                                      (310) 825-9236


If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

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UCLA Campus Status


  • Determine possible escape routes and location of nearest building exits
  • Know the location of your evacuation assembly area 
    • Create plans to assist disabled or injured co-workers
    • The UCLA Center for Accessible Education (CAE) provides specialized evacuation training and information (call (310) 825-1501, extension 51501 for more information)
    • Individuals should make colleagues aware of potential special assistance needs
  • Refer to your Department Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

  • Refer to Emergency Evacuation Plan.


  • Remain calm and immediately proceed to the nearest emergency exit
  • Take only necessities i.e., keys, purse, or emergency supplies
  • As you evacuate, help others if it is safe to do so
  • Shut (but do not lock) doors behind you as you exit
  • Do not use elevators
  • Stay to the right side in stairwells and use the handrails
  • Be alert to broken glass
  • Wardens should ensure that all members of their area evacuate the building (if safe to do so) and that they are accounted for at the designated evacuation area
  • Facilities Management (FM) may lock the building or monitor any open entrances if it does not jeopardize their own safety
  • Alert emergency responders of individuals who are trapped or unaccounted for
  • Do not re-enter the building until emergency personnel announce that it is safe to do so (“all clear”)
  • Refer to Emergency Evacuation Plan.

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