Important Contacts

Key Contacts

UC Police Department (UCPD) & UCLA Fire:          9-1-1

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S):                  (310) 825-9797

Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM): (310) 825-2200

DGSOM Security:                                                        (310) 267-7100 

Facilities Management (FM):                                      (310) 825-9236


If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

Bruin Safe Online

UCLA Campus Status


  • Situations that may require you to shelter in place include but are not limited to: active shooter, chemical hazard or radiological hazard
  • Identify a location where the door locks, opens inward and has furniture to barricade the door, preferably with little to no windows
  • It is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in the room you select
  • Make sure your shelter-in-place location(s) are equipped with extra food, water and medication in case the shelter-in-place lasts several hours/days
  • Choosing a room/lab to shelter in place:
    • Select a small, interior room with no or few windows
    • Choose a room in which exterior doors and windows close completely
  • Review Shelter in Place procedures published by UCLA Office of Emergency Management.



  • For any chemical/biological hazard: 
    • Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems
    • Be prepared to improvise and use what you have on hand to seal gaps so that you create a barrier between yourself and any contamination
  • Identify a location where the door locks, opens inward and has furniture to barricade the door, preferably with little to no windows
  • Make sure your shelter-in-place location(s) are equipped with extra food, water and medication in case the shelter-in-place lasts several hours/days
  • Choosing a room/lab to shelter in place:
    • Select a small, interior room, with no or few windows
    • Choose a room in which exterior doors and windows close completely
  • Stay inside the room until you have received an “all clear” via BruinAlert (check Bruins Safe Online)
  • For additional information, see Threats.


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