Important Contacts

Key Contacts

UC Police Department (UCPD) & UCLA Fire:          9-1-1

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S):                  (310) 825-9797

Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM): (310) 825-2200

DGSOM Security:                                                        (310) 267-7100 

Facilities Management (FM):                                      (310) 825-9236


If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

Bruin Safe Online

UCLA Campus Status

Please note this information can also be used in the event of a severe storm. 


  • Discuss and prepare for the flood risk within your area
  • Store physical data on the cloud (i.e. Box, Shared Drive, etc.)
    • For any important documents that cannot be stored digitally (such as lab notebooks, protocols, and manuals), consider storing them in waterproof containers 
  • Acquire waterproof covers for sensitive equipment or devices to protect them from water damage. Plastic sheeting or tarps may also be used to quickly cover and protect equipment and workstations
  • Keep a stock of absorbent pads or materials to soak up small spills and leaks
  • Maintain an inventory list of lab equipment and materials to facilitate post-flood recovery efforts
  • Review how to submit a Facilities Management request.



  • For large floods/floods due to severe storms: 
    • If a flash flood warning is issued or anticipated:
      • DO NOT EVACUATE, unless safe to do so
      • Move to higher grounds, away from water sources
      • Leave your car if it stalls. Climb to high ground immediately
      • DO NOT try to walk, swim or drive through water
    • If you or someone else is trapped and/or cannot evacuate, call 911 and report the flood
      • Provide the location (including building and room number), your contact, emergency details and source (if known)
      • If safe to do so, meet the responders and report the contents in or around the flooded area, ways to enter the area safely and hazardous or unknown conditions
  • In the event of a flood (of any scale), proceed with caution and evacuate if necessary. Electric shock may occur in flooded areas
    • Once it is safe to do so: 
      • Report an emergency request to Facilities Management - (310) 825-9236 (available 24/7).
        • Provide the location (including building and room number), your contact information, any details and source (if known)
      • Alert supervisor of the incident. Note damaged assets. File for any insurance claims
    • If the affected area is a laboratory or hazardous materials are involved, call 911 and evacuate if necessary


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