Woman writing

Sample CV

Download the Sample CV (PDF)

CV Style and Substance

When preparing your CV, remember that this is a document that summarizes your accomplishments directly related to your academic and professional experiences.

Ask yourself the following questions when putting together your CV:

  • Is this information relevant? (i.e. Will it help me get a residency, internship, interview, etc?) Stick to your medical school accomplishments and avoid listing too much from your undergraduate years.
  • What accomplishments, qualities, strengths do I want to emphasize and why?
  • Am I being clear and concise? Remember, your CV should only be one or two pages, so be sure to keep descriptions to a minimum.

Formatting Your CV

  • Stick to one standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid using multiple different fonts.
  • Use a large-enough font (10 point minimum, preferably 12 point).
  • If you use bold or CAPS, be consistent and use them the same way throughout the CV. Similarly, if you use bullet points, keep formatting consistent.
  • Keep descriptions to a minimum of one or two lines and be as concise as possible.
  • Use parallel construction, i.e. if you use a certain format in one part of the CV, you must use it throughout.
  • Ideally, your CV will be only one page long. Lengthen it to two pages only if you are listing a substantial amount of research, community service, or publications.
  • Avoid listing too much from your undergraduate years, programs are only looking to see what you've done while in medical school.

Editing Your CV

  • Be sure all the margins are even and line up.
  • Be sure to use parallel construction.
  • Make sure everything is lined up.
  • Use a ruler and proofread your CV line by line.
  • Print your CV on a laser printer.
  • Use only high-quality, bond paper - white, ivory, and light gray colors are most appropriate.
  • Show your CV to a trusted friend or mentor and ask them for their opinion.
  • Show your CV to a Student Affairs Counselor.