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Human Genetics Faculty Research Interests
Our accomplished faculty members collaborate on a wide spectrum of research interests covering everything from the genetic basis of complex traits to computational methods for understanding genetic risk factors for common diseases.
Faculty member
Research Interest
Valerie Arboleda, MD PhD
The overarching research goals in the lab is to integrate large-scale data sets to improve our biological understanding and clinical treatment of human disease.
Personalizing therapy for cancer by developing novel statistical methodologies.
Mathematical modeling of human disease traits.
Identification, cloning, regulation and evolution of the two arginases, AI and AII, in man and experimental animals. The goal is to understand the basic biology and pathology of arginine metabolism and then find a treatment for arginase AI deficiency.
Genetic Disorders of Organelle Biogenesis and Protein Trafficking.
Bioinformatics, Genomics, Computational Methods for Analysis of Complex Traits.
Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neuronal differentiation; and generation of mouse models for human diseases.
Understanding how genes influence behavior, in particular how genetic variation contributes to disease susceptibility.
Basic and fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying human neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative disease.
Genetic basis of complex traits, particularly neurobehavioral disorders including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and Tourette Syndrome.
Genetic and genomic sequencing technologies to pinpoint the precise molecular mechanisms in human brain that contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders.
Current research focuses on the molecular genetics, diagnostics, radiobiology, and treatment of children with ataxia-telangiectasia, a progressive neurological disease of children.
The Geschwind laboratory focuses on integrating basic neurobiology, genetics, and genomics with translational studies of human diseases.
Primarily devoted to research and clinical care of hereditary retinal disorders, especially age-related macular degeneration, retinal dystrophies and other medical retinal conditions.
Regulation of gene expression in the human arginase system and arginase deficiency; role of arginase in cancer cell proliferation; technical and ethical aspects of molecular genetic screening; development of novel DNA diagnostics.
Develops statistical and computational methods for the analysis of human genetic and epigenetic variation in the context of complex human diseases.
Allelic Association Studies and Microarray Data Analysis.
Define prenatal ultrasound parameters in the osteochondrodysplasias, the molecular basis of musculoskeletal disorders, and the gene expression patterns in the skeleton.
Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Variation.
Formulation of statistical methods for analyzing the genetic basis of common diseases.
Statistical methods in biology and genomics, Sparse linear modeling and Bioinformatics.
Population genetics and genomics.
Dr. Luo is interested in developing and applying new genomic and genetic technologies to address long-standing questions in human diseases including the causal cell type(s) of diseases and the functions of non-coding genetic variants.
Genetics of complex diseases such as atheroschlerosis using inbred animal strains as models.
Genetics of growth signaling pathways in stem cells, cancer and overgrowth syndromes.
Technology development for the analysis of complex traits: development of microarrays to study gene expression and SNP scoring.
Newborn screening is the focus of Dr. McCabe's research.
Genetics of neuropsychiatric traits.
Genetics of cardiovascular diseases.
Centers on genetics of complex behaviors and the educational, psychological, and behavioral outcomes of genetic counseling and genetic testing.
Bioinformatic solutions for the management and analysis of all types of genetic data.
Statistical and computational methods for understanding genetic risk factors for common diseases, particular focus in the study of admixed populations.
Development of computational approaches to interpret genomic data.
Molecular pharmacology of hormones and receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, diagnosis and management of islet cell tumors of the pancreas.
Genes underlying disorders in lipid and glucose metabolism.
Genetics of complex diseases: inflammatory bowel disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes.
Mathematical models of evolution and genetics.
Statistical genetics methodologies for large pedigrees.
Novel methods to analyze large-scale genomic data to understand how genetic variation leads to phenotypic variation.
Mathematical and statistical phylogenetics, evolutionary medicine, computational biology, Bayesian methods.
Genetics of sex determination and development of the human reproductive system.
Understanding homologous recombination and resulting genome instability.
During the past few years, we have worked on two general areas, the pathogenesis of hypertriglyceridemia and diseases of the nuclear lamina. Our laboratory works on molecules as they relate to human disease, and we make use of diverse techniques in molecular and cellular biology. When appropriate, we make use of genetically modified mice to investigate our research questions.