Appeals Process Defined

The process is as follows:

  • Requests to reconsider actions taken by the identified APC that affect the academic status of a student, including but not limited to requirements to correct deficiencies, suspension, and plans for remediation, must be submitted in writing to CASPP within 30 days of receipt of the action.
  • An appeal must cite the basis of the reconsideration and provide sufficient and detailed information to support the appeal. Disagreement with the determination of the identified APC is not sufficient cause to request an appeal. New evidence may not be presented in the appeals process unless the student can prove that it was unavailable during the identified APC deliberations.
  • If the student failed to disclose information or facts that were in their possession at the time of the meeting with the identified APC, the student is considered to have waived the right to raise those facts or information on reconsideration or appeal.
  • During the appeals process, CASPP will not reconsider the facts and statements on which the original decision was based but will only consider:
    • Whether new information that was unavailable during the identified APC deliberations has been discovered
    • Whether there is any evidence of discrimination that impacted the student's ability to participate in any academic, research, or other University service, program, or activity as determined by the appropriate Institutional Office
    • Whether there is any evidence of a procedural error in the identified Academic Performance Committee's review that prejudiced the student’s ability to receive a fair hearing
    • Whether there is any evidence that the identified APC acted in an arbitrary or capricious manner.
  • CASPP may affirm or reject the identified Academic Performance Committee's determination, or refer the matter back to the identified Academic Performance Committee for further consideration.
  • If a request for appeal is denied by CASPP, the decision may be appealed to the Vice Dean for Education within 10 working days from the student’s notification of CASPP’s final decision.
  • CASPP decisions may be appealed solely on the basis of whether CASPP followed appropriate procedures in reaching its conclusions and formulating actions.  If the Vice Dean for Education concludes that CASPP did not follow appropriate procedures, he or she will remand the matter to CASPP for reconsideration.  The decision of the Vice Dean for Education is final in all matters involving fulfillment of academic, professionalism, or technical standards, and related remediation plans.
  • If the Vice Dean for Education upholds a recommendation of CASPP to dismiss a student from DGSOM, this decision may be appealed to the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) within 10 working days from the student’s notification.  The FEC will not reconsider the facts and statements on which the original decision was based.  Appeals to the FEC may be filed solely on the basis of: 
    • Whether there is any evidence of discrimination that impacted the student's ability to participate in any academic, research, or other University service, program, or activity as determined by the appropriate Institutional Office
    • Whether there is any evidence of a procedural error in CASPP's review that prejudiced the student’s ability to receive a fair hearing
    • Whether there is any evidence that CASPP acted in an arbitrary or capricious manner