The Exchange Visitor (J-1) Program was established by the U.S. Government to allow scholars from other countries to come to the U.S. to participate in educational and cultural programs. The objective of the Exchange Visitor Program is to increase mutual understanding between the citizens of the U.S. and the Exchange Visitors’ countries. The visitors may participate in studies, research, teaching, or receive training. Universities, research institutes, and organizations can be recognized by the U.S. Department of State as Exchange Visitor Program Sponsors. All U.S. visitors holding J-1 visa status are referred to as Exchange Visitors (EV).

Prospective scholars to UCLA will receive J-1 visa status for their programs. This population may include the following UCLA non-tenure track appointments: Postdoctoral Scholars, Visiting Scholars, Lecturers, Teachers, Visiting Graduate Researcher, and Staff Research Assistants. Accompanying dependents (spouse and unmarried children of 21 years of age or younger) will obtain J-2 visa status.

Please note, the Dashew Center does not oversee scholars at the UCLA School of Medicine. The David Geffen School of Medicine Visa and Licensing Office handles all J-1 visa related matters for visitors in the School of Medicine and other affiliated hospitals.