Contact Information

If you have a question about the Lab Coat Laundry program beyond the information provided here, contact the DGSOM Research Safety Office:

Phone: 310-825-9356
Location: CHS A2-071

Program Overview

The Lab Coat Laundry program provides a laundry service to researchers free of charge in the interest of encouraging researchers to wear protective clothing. User-owned coats and scrubs can be enrolled through the vendor’s retape process and laundered on a weekly basis at no cost to the lab. See below for enrollment and additional information.

Get set up in 4 simple steps:

Step 1

Obtain Lab Coats/Scrubs

Step 3

Enroll a New Coat or Scrub Piece via the Retape Process

Step 4

Wash an Enrolled Coat or Scrub Piece via the Soil Bin Process

Lab Coat Laundry Locations & Times:

Location 3 — CHS

Drop-Off Location & Time: CHS A2-071; available all week
Pick-Up Location & Time: CHS A2-071; Hours: Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM
Local contact: DGSOM Research Safety Office —
*The CHS location does not have two separate retape and soil bins, unlike other locations

Location 7 — BSRB

Drop Off Location & Time: Southeast corner of OHRC/BSRB loading dock; Monday-Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Pick Up Location & Time: BSRB 310; Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM
Local contact: Justine Robles —

Location 8 — Jules Stein

Drop Off Location: Jules Stein Eye Institute, cage in the hallway near BH-647; available all week
Pick Up Location: Jules Stein Eye Institute, cage in the hallway near BH-647; available all week
Local contact: DGSOM Research Safety Office —

Location 9 — MRL

Drop Off Location: Northeast corner of MRL loading dock; Monday-Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Pick Up Location: Outside the 5th floor MRL lobby; available all week

Lab Coat FAQs

This service is provided at no cost to researchers via funding dedicated for laboratory safety.

The David Geffen School of Medicine funds this service for researchers in the DGSOM at locations #3 – CHS, #7 – BSRB, #8 – Jules Stein, and #9 – MRL. Researchers from the Schools of Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health are also welcome to enroll their coats free of charge.

“Retaping” refers to the vendor’s barcoding process, which involves manual input of information to generate a barcode. This is how you enroll your coat for the first time. We stick to the vendor’s terminology because it leads to better communication between end users and the vendor when necessary.

3 weeks for newly enrolled/retape coats and 2 weeks for previously enrolled coats.

At CHS, you will receive an email. Otherwise, expect to wait 3 weeks to see a newly/retape enrolled coat and 2 weeks for any previously enrolled coats that were washed. Remember, the vendor visits on Fridays.

Any UCLA personnel are welcome to utilize this program.

Clinicians are welcome to use the service, but should be aware that this is a laundry and not a dry cleaning service. The coats will not be pressed and may not offer the ideal presentation for patient interaction.

 If you do not find your coat more than 3 weeks after dropping it off, please email our vendor. Feel free to copy and paste the following information to use as a template in your email. Please CC

Vendor email:


Hi Mission Linen, I'm looking for my lab coat.

    Owner name and email
    PI First and Last Name
    Lab Coat Laundry location
    Mission Linen Barcode Number (if available)
    Unique Coat information
    Include photograph of coat if you have one

Await instructions from Mission Linen on how to proceed. 

Web-Based Log Sheet

Bookmark to log all lab coats. Works on both mobile devices and desktop computers. Available Now for Jules Stein, CHS, BSRB and MRL.

Lab Coat Log Sheet

Map of Laundry Locations on Campus

If you have any questions regarding the laundry program, please email

See Location Map