Contact Information

If you have a question about the Lab Coat Laundry program beyond the information provided here, contact the DGSOM Research Safety Office:

Phone: 310-825-9356
Location: CHS A2-071

Enroll a New Coat or Scrub Piece 

A. Fill out one yellow repair tag (shown below) per coat or scrub piece. Include PI Last Name and First Name. The Laundry Location will already be filled out on the repair tag.

Yellow Tag with fillable PI Last and First Name

Yellow repair tag to fill out per coat or scrub

B. Attach a repair tag to each coat or scrub piece. One tag per coat is necessary. The barcode will be encoded with whatever information is on the repair tag.

C. Log in your Coats — CHS, Jules Stein, BSRB and MRL can use the web-based log sheet.

D. Photograph your coats and/or the log sheet for your personal records.

E. Deposit garment(s) into Retapes Bin. Please note: CHS does not have separate bins for retape or drop-off. 

F. The vendor visits every Friday. Newly enrolled coats (or retapes) take three weeks to return, and will have a new Mission Linen Barcode Label (shown below). Returning coats take two weeks to return. Take note of the barcode number (750xxxxxxxxx) and keep it for your records. See directions below for pickup details at your chosen location.

Barcode number

Mission linen barcode label that new enrollments will have

G. After initial enrollment and barcoding, follow the Soil Bin Process (Step 4) to launder garments.

Lab Coat Laundry Locations & Times:

Location 3 — CHS

Drop-Off Location & Time: CHS A2-071; available all week
Pick-Up Location & Time: CHS A2-071; Hours: Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM
Local contact: DGSOM Research Safety Office —
*The CHS location does not have two separate retape and soil bins, unlike other locations

Location 7 — BSRB

Drop Off Location & Time: Southeast corner of OHRC/BSRB loading dock; Monday-Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Pick Up Location & Time: BSRB 310; Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM
Local contact: Justine Robles —

Location 8 — Jules Stein

Drop Off Location: Jules Stein Eye Institute, cage in the hallway near BH-647; available all week
Pick Up Location: Jules Stein Eye Institute, cage in the hallway near BH-647; available all week
Local contact: DGSOM Research Safety Office —

Location 9 — MRL

Drop Off Location: Northeast corner of MRL loading dock; Monday-Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Pick Up Location: Outside the 5th floor MRL lobby; available all week

Web-Based Log Sheet

Bookmark to log all lab coats. Works on both mobile devices and desktop computers. Available Now for Jules Stein, CHS, BSRB and MRL.

Lab Coat Log Sheet

Map of Laundry Locations on Campus

If you have any questions regarding the laundry program, please email

See Location Map