Human Genetics PhD Program Curriculum

We are developing a novel curriculum with training objectives specifically tailored for the rapidly evolving Genetics and Genomics Home Area. The key feature of the new curriculum is flexibility, which will allow young scientists to choose targeted courses that best fit their research interests and maximize interactive learning and collaboration between all of the Biosciences Program students and faculty. To further nurture interaction and collaboration, the students will also present their research to the Home Area students and faculty in informal meetings throughout the year. The core curriculum courses will be taught by faculty with research interest and expertise in the area, which will provide the students a unique opportunity to learn new and state-of-the-art developments by the UCLA leaders in Genetics and Genomics.
Official, approved course descriptions are updated and maintained by the Registrar's Office.
First-Year Required Courses
HUM GEN 236A: Advanced Human Genetics A: Molecular Aspects (Fall)
Advanced topics in human genetics related to molecular genetics and relevant technologies. Topics include genomic technologies, human genome, mapping and identification of disease-causing mutations, transcriptomics, proteomics, functional genomics, epigenetics, and stem cells.
HUM GEN 236B: Advanced Human Genetics B: Genomics Aspects (Winter)
Human genetics is a fundamental scientific field that studies inheritance in humans and therefore also has immediate practical value for human health and welfare. The identification of genes and genetic variation involved in human diseases, traits, and behavior is one of the main goals of human genetic studies. Genomic technologies are rapidly advancing and allow for comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the human genome. The course will cover different themes in the field of human genetics, including genetics of monogenic disorders, genetic mapping of complex traits, transcriptome analysis, and epigenomic studies of human disease. The purpose is to provide an overview of human genetics through the examination of a selection of papers that highlight each of these themes.
MIMG C234: Ethics Accountability in Biomedical Research (Spring)
Responsibilities and ethical conduct of investigators in research, data management, mentorship, grant applications, and publications. Responsibilities to peers, sponsoring institutions, and society. Conflicts of interest, disclosure, animal subject welfare, human subject protection, and areas in which investigational goals and certain societal values may conflict.
Second- or Third-Year Required Teaching
Teaching Experience
Students teach for one quarter as a teaching assistant in a department within the College of Letters and Science.
495: Preparation for Teaching
Prepares students for college-level teaching and provides professional development. Discusses practical and theoretical issues about teaching in a specific discipline. Taken in conjunction the first time the student teaches as a teaching assistant.
Rotation and Research Courses
HUM GEN 596: Directed Individual Study and Research
Individual study or research for graduate students. For students prior to advancement to candidacy.
HUM GEN 599: PhD Dissertation Research and Writing
Preparation of research data and writing of PhD dissertation. For students after advancement to candidacy.