Human Genetics PhD Program Events
Admissions and Outreach Events
Learn about the Human Genetics PhD Program and connect with our community through the admissions and outreach events listed on our Admissions page.
Seminar Series

The seminar series is a weekly feature hosted by the Bioinformatics Interdepartmental Program and the Department of Human Genetics whereby distinguished researchers are invited to present their insights on today's most intriguing topics in genetics and other related fields. The seminars are hosted by students, postdocs, and faculty and are open to public attendance.
Learn more about the Seminar Series
Genetics and Genomics Student Lunches
Each month Genetics and Genomics students are invited to a lunch as an informal opportunity for discussion amongst their peers and the Home Area administration.
Department of Human Genetics Academic Retreat

Each year the Department of Human Genetics organizes a one-day academic retreat for members of the scientific community to gather together and share about the latest advances in their fields of study. Prestigious guest speakers are often invited to present alongside distinguished members of our own department. Poster sessions are held in which students and postdocs showcase the wide breadth of research that is conducted here at UCLA. The event provides a great opportunity for academia to socialize and network with their peers, while celebrating the accomplishments we have achieved thus far.