
Discovery operates on a pass/fail system.

Students completing all required coursework to a satisfactory level will receive a “Pass” for the course.

Students who do not complete all required coursework to a satisfactory level will receive a “Fail” for the course.

Course grades will be based on attendance at mandatory sessions, periodic evaluations by faculty, and completion of assignments, including a final scholarly project. Students who fail Discovery must remediate prior to advancing to MS4 electives. Students who fail Discovery will be referred to the DGSOM Year III Academic Performance Committee. The Course Chair may assign an Incomplete grade when any portion of the required Discovery coursework has not been completed. Once an Incomplete grade is assigned, it remains on the transcript until resolved. To resolve a grade of Incomplete in Discovery, students must satisfactorily complete all required Discovery coursework and the final project, as specified by the Course Chair, and resolve the Incomplete prior to the NRMP verification deadline. 4A student who receives an Incomplete grade may not advance to MS4 electives unless their Discovery mentor attests to the likelihood of the student being able to resolve the Incomplete prior to the NRMP verification deadline. In addition to the above, students enrolled in dual degree programs must adhere to the grading policies of the degree program’s corresponding school and successfully complete their degree.

Longitudinal Clinical Experience (LCE)

LCE is Pass/No Pass based on attendance and a passing grade, so assessments are critical for course completion.

Grounds for “Incomplete”: A grade of pass requires completion of all elements of the course.

Grounds for “Fail”: An incomplete becomes a Fail after a designated time of non-completion