1. Purpose 

    • Ensure integrity of grading and assessment by defining: 

      1. Policies governing computer-based examination administration 

      2. Policies governing Objective Structured Clinical Examination administration 

      3. Process for requesting examination delay 

      4. Process for requesting review of examinations and regrading/rescoring 

      5. Process for required examination retakes 

      6. Process for requesting and receiving exam accommodations  

  2. Definitions 

    • (2a) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) 
      An Objective Structured Clinical Examination is a performance-based assessment of clinical skills where students demonstrate competence in areas including but not limited to doctor/patient communication, physical examination, medical procedures, and interpretation of labs. 

    • (2b) NBME Examination 
      Multiple choice examination comprised of questions developed by the National Board of Medical Examiners and conducted under the strict exam administration protocols as required by NBME. NBME exams include the Comprehensive Basic Science Subject Exam (CBSE), Customized Assessment Services (CAS) and Core Clerkship NBME specialty specific shelf exams. 

    • (2c) Pitstop Computer Exam 
      Pre-clerkship exam comprised of questions developed by Foundations of Medical Science (FoMS) educators. 

    • (2d) Anatomy Practical 
      Pre-clerkship anatomy practical developed by Foundations of Medical Science (FoMS) educators. 

    • (2e) Clinical Performance Examination Exam (CPX) 
      Standardized patient examination administered during core clerkships. The exam is a standardized patient-based clinical skills assessment. During their Clerkship Year, students are required to complete and pass a Clinical Performance Examination (CPX) which consists of eight clinical cases portrayed by standardized patients. Each case requires a focused work up and is followed by a written exercise. Individual feedback is provided for purposes of improving history taking, physical examination, information sharing, and patient/doctor relationship skills. 

  3. Policies 

    • (3a) General Policy for Exam Administration 
      1. (3a.1) All students are required to take all examinations on the date and time they are scheduled unless they receive a prior exemption via the procedures outlined below. Being unprepared for an exam is not an acceptable excuse for rescheduling an exam. 
      2. (3a.2) Exams will not be offered earlier than the scheduled date of first administration; all rescheduled dates will occur after the initial date of the exam. 
      3. (3a.3) Once an exam is started, the score stands without exception. 
      4. (3a.4) Once an exam is completed, the score stands without exception. 
      5. (3a.5) Students cannot take exams while on leave of absence from the university. 
      6. (3a.6) Students cannot take an NBME Shelf Exam until they have completed that core clinical clerkship. See the Grading Policy for the Clinical Years Course Failure Policy in the Core Clinical Clerkships for further detail. 
      7. (3a.7) Non-emergent requests for rescheduling an exam will be denied. See the Urgent Requests to Reschedule an Exam for more information. 
      8. (3a.8) To receive an exam accommodation, students must meet with the DGSOM Director of Disability Services and receive temporary or full approval. See Documented Disabilities and Exam Accommodations section for full policy. 
    • (3b) Exam Environment 
      1. (3b.1) To ensure optimal student performance and to ensure exam integrity, test proctors are empowered to maintain a quiet, calm exam environment. 
      2. (3b.2) Proctor authority to maintain the optimal exam environment includes but is not limited to: 
        • Removing any student who is disruptive to the exam environment 
        • Delaying exam entry to a student whose behavior is disruptive to the exam environment before the exam begins 
        • Referring a student directly to Student Affairs 
      3. (3b.3) In the event that a student is removed from or delayed entry to an exam, then the following is permitted: 
        • The proctor will offer the student 10 minutes to resolve the disruption. 
        • If the disruptive behavior is resolved within 10 minutes, the student will enter to begin the exam or reenter to resume the exam. 
        • The exam clock will continue to run during the 10 minutes of resolution time. 
        • If the disruptive behavior is not resolved at 10 minutes, the student’s exam is over. 
          • If the student has not yet started the exam, the student will be permitted to take the exam at the predetermined rescheduled date and time. 
          • If the student has already started the exam, Student Affairs and Curricular Affairs, in consultation with the Course Chair, will determine the option for exam outcome on a case-by-case basis. 
      4. (3b.4) Any student who disrupts an exam may receive a professionalism concern report (PCR) and/or be referred to the Academic Performance Committee. 
    • (3c) Exam Tardiness 
      1. (3c.1) Examinations are administered with a specified starting and ending time. Students are required to arrive on time.
      2. (3c.2) Doors to the exam room will close five minutes prior to the start of the exam. 
      3. (3c.3) To minimize disruptions, late-arriving students will be allowed to enter the room 10 minutes after the exam has started. 
      4. (3c.4) After 30 minutes past the posted start time, the late student will not be permitted to enter the exam room, will be considered a no-show to the exam, and will be directed to contact the Student Affairs Office. 
      5. (3c.5) Tardy students may receive a professionalism concern report (PCR) and/or be referred to the Academic Performance Committee. 
      6. (3c.6) No additional time will be given beyond the scheduled end of the exam for tardy students. 
    • (3d) Unapproved Exam Absence 
      1. (3d.1) Students who do not take a scheduled examination and who do not contact an Assistant Dean or Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Curricular Affairs Office in advance will receive a failing grade on the examination. 
    • (3e) Urgent Requests to Reschedule an Exam 
      DGSOM recognizes circumstances may arise that may preclude a student from sitting for an examination.  
      1. (3e.1) It is the student’s responsibility to notify an Assistant Dean or Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the Curricular Affairs office, and the clerkship chair or coordinator and fill out the exam absence form if they are unable to sit for an examination for a circumstance outlined in the policy herein. 
      2. (3e.2) Approved rationales for an urgent request to postpone an exam include (but are not limited to the following): 
        • Illness or Injury 
          Any student unable to take an examination due to illness or injury (self or loved one) must provide appropriate documentation confirming the student was unable to take the examination on the scheduled date. For students registered with DGSOM Disability Services, contact Grace Clifford to verify accommodations as appropriate documentation in the event of a disability-related episode. Students not submitting a supporting letter to the Student Affairs Office will be given a failing grade for the missed examination. 
        • Bereavement 
          Students who experience the death of a loved one are permitted to postpone the examination if they choose.  However, students must consult with an Assistant or Associate Dean of Student Affairs as well as the Curricular Affairs Office for approval to postpone their examination. 
        • Other Extenuating Circumstances 
          If there is a significant situation that precludes you from taking an exam on the scheduled date and time, please consult your Associate and/or Assistant Dean as well as the Curricular Affairs Office to discuss options. 
      3. (3e.3) Frequent (>1 per semester) urgent requests to reschedule exams will be reviewed by the APC and may result in requests for additional documentation. 
      4. (3e.4) All exam reschedules must be accompanied by an exam reschedule form for the original exam date. 
      5. (3e.5) All examinations not taken on the scheduled date will need to be remediated on the next scheduled makeup examination date, as determined by the Year 1, Year 2, or Year 3 Academic Performance Committee (APC) as well as the Curricular Affairs Office. 
    • (3f) Religious Observances
      Faculty are asked not to schedule examinations on dates when a religious observance may cause a substantial number of students to be absent. However, there may be conflicts between scheduled examinations and religious observances other than those listed on the medical school’s exam schedules.  
      1. (3f.1) A student must submit a request to the course chair and the Curricular Affairs Office to reschedule the examination according to the applicable procedures in this section. 
    • (3g) Examination Standards 
      DGSOM follows National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) standards for exam delivery. 
      1. (3g.1) The testing environment will be fair, consistent, respectful, and quiet for all students. 
      2. (3g.2) The testing administrator and proctors are responsible for the examination environment, the integrity of the exam, troubleshooting, and implementing back-up testing procedures in the event of a computer or environmental malfunction.  
    • (3h) Exam Room Integrity & Permitted Items 
      1. (3h.1) Items permitted in the examination room (be prepared to show during check-in) 
        • UCLA ID Badge/Photo ID 
        • External mouse 
        • Disposable earplugs 
        • Laptop (certified if required) and laptop charger 
      2. (3h.2) Items not permitted in the examination room 
        • Cellphones or other electronic devices (i.e. smart watches, Fitbit, headphones, etc.) 
        • Laptop cases/sleeves 
        • iPads/tablets 
        • Hats/caps or any headwear (unless for religious purposes) 
        • Food or snacks 
        • Beverages (i.e. coffee, soda, smoothies, etc.). Water is permitted for internal exams, but is not permitted for NBME exams unless students have pre-approved accommodations. 
        • Backpacks 
        • Luggage 
        • Notes 
        • Purses/Bags 
        • Personal Belongings 
        • Outerwear – coats. Any clothing removed during an exam must be removed from the examination environment. removed during an exam must be removed from the examination environment.  
        • Any suspicious item(s) 
        • Smart watches are prohibited under this policy, but analog and simple digital watches are allowed. 
      3. (3h.3) Provided in the exam room (if approved by the course chair) 
        • Scratch paper for internal FoMS exams 
        • Laminated note board and dry erase marker for NBME exams 
    • (3i) Disputing Exam Scoring 
      1. (3i.1) Students who feel there is an error in their exam score may request a review of the grade assigned in writing to the Course Chair within 14 days of grade submission. 
      2. (3i.2) Additional policies and procedures for exam review may be set by individual course chairs. 
      3. (3i.3) Per UCLA Academic Senate regulations, only the course instructor of record has the responsibility and right to determine and assign a final grade. A student who decides to file a grading complaint should provide written documentation to support their claim that a grade was assigned for other than academic reasons. 
    • (3j) Examination Retake Policy 
      1. (3j.1) Students may be required by the Academic Performance Committee to retake an examination where they did not meet the set threshold score. 
      2. (3j.2) Exceptions may be granted by the Academic Performance Committee, Associate Dean for Student Affairs or Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs, consulting with the Course Chair and Curricular Affairs/Student Affairs Office as needed.