Education & Events
Providing Specialized Training and Educational Opportunities
One of the specific aims of the UCLA Metabolism Research Theme is to support the development of new approaches to metabolic parameters. To best fuel innovative ideas, the Metabolism Theme partners with internal and external entities to bring in talent, provide educational seminar series and facilitate workshops.
Event Spotlight

Annual UCLA Mitochondria Symposium
5th Annual UCLA Mitochondira SymposiumWhen: Friday, December 9-11, 2021 begins at 8:00 am
Where: In-Person at Los Angeles CA. Covel Commens at UCLA (use 330 De Neve Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90095 for GPS, to parking lot PSV (Parking Sunset Village), adjacent to symposium
Who: Over 200 students, post-doc, faculty and industry leaders
To learn more about the symposium please check out the UCLA mitochondria symposium website.
The Metabolism Theme has teamed up with current successful seminar series organizers on campus: Dr. Hilary Coller and Dr. Carla Koehler. The seminar series have evolved into emphasizing two key disciplines.
Metabolism Interest Group
Attended by labs studying metabolic pathways with strong emphasis on metabolite tracing and metabolomics.
For questions or speaking nominations please contact Dr. Hilary Coller via email at
Super Mito Group Meeting
Attended by labs studying mitochondrial biology with strong emphasis on protein biochemistry and cell biology approaches.
For questions or speaking nominations please contact Dr. Carla Koehler via email at
The Metabolism Theme is providing a budget for refreshments as well as administrative support. To enhance exposure of the cell biologist to metabolite tracing and vice versa, the two groups will host speakers that will deliver seminars within the series; presenting the approach and demonstrating its adoption in a project.
Time: 4 PM PST
Location: CHS 27-200C & Zoom (

May 24th, 2022
Amy Vandiver MD, PhD
(STAR Fellow) UCLA Division of Dermatology
"In search of the fountain of youth: Understanding the mitochondrial genome in skin aging"

May 31st, 2022
Matt Krieger B.S.
(Lab Technician, Carla Koehler Lab) UCLA Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
"PNPase-dependent mtdsRNA transport, a new signaling pathway"

June 7th, 2022
Pasquale Saggese, PhD
(Postdoctoral Scholar, Scafoglio Lab) UCLA DGSOM Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
"Glucose deprivation promotes pseudo-hypoxia and de-differentiation in lung adenocarcinoma, driving an aggressive phenotype"

June 14th, 2022
Slavica Tudzarova-Trajkovska, PhD
(Assistant Professor) UCLA DGSOM Division of Endocrinology, Larry L. Hillblom Islet Research Center
"Title is TBD"
Know Your Colleagues
Attended by UCLA faculty and staff in both clinical and basic research to get to know their colleagues and their research. Once a month a faculty or staff presents their research to network with their colleagues and be apprised of their latest research. Learn of opportunities to collaborate and network with those looking for collaborators.
For questions or speaking nominations please contact Dr. Orian Shirihai via email at
Time: 4 PM PST
Location: CHS 27-200C & Zoom (

June 16th, 2022
Melissa Lechner MD, PhD
(Assistant Professor of Medicine in Residence) UCLA DGSM Onco-Endocrinology Program)
"Pathogenic T cells in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Thyroid Autoimmunity"

July 14th, 2022
E. Dale Abel MD, PhD
(William S. Adams Distinguished Professor of Medicine) Chair and Executive Medical Director, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine and UCLA Health
"Title is to TBD"
August 11th, 2022
"Speaker is TBD"

September 8th, 2022
Peter Tontonoz MD, PhD
"Title is TBD"
UCLA CTSI Distinguished Speaker Series
UCLA distinguished seminar series that just has opened for an in-person speaking and visiting. It includs speakers from all disciplines, and it is a David Geffen School of Medicine event.
For questions or speaking nominations please contact Lucy Vaca UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute at
Monthly Workshop in Mitochondria and Metabolism Research Approaches
1.5 hours workshop will be held on a monthly basis to go over specific approaches, their pros and cons, the required controls, common artifacts and interpretation of data. These are intended for trainees and faculty who would like to adopt an approach not currently applied in their lab and to facilitate a discussion about the proper utilization of approaches currently used in our labs. Topics include: Respirometry in isolated mitochondria, measuring mitochondrial membrane potential, imaging and quantifying mitochondrial architecture and dynamics, measuring autophagic flux, measuring lysosome acidification, preparing samples for mass spec analysis of cellular and media metabolites, measuring lipolysis and beta oxidation etc.
Metabolism Lecture Series (3 per year by invited guest lecturer)
This lecture series will be focused on achieved scientists in the various categories represented within the Theme (Diabetes and Obesity, Cancer Metabolism, Cell Development and Aging). The first one will be in January. Please email me with suggestions for invited lecturers. This series is open for invitation from abroad.