T&E Department Chair & CAO Expenses
Travel & Entertainment (T&E)
The DGSOM Controller's Office strives to promote and maintain uniform compliance with campus travel and entertainment policy. All travel and entertainment policy exceptions are approved by the Dean's Office. The DGSOM Controller's office reviews and makes recommendation for these requests.
The DGSOM Controller's Office reviews and makes recommendation for all department Chair and CAO expense reimbursements.
Additional information and the procedures for Department Chair/CAO Travel Express reimbursements and travel and entertainment exception approvals can be found in the links below.
Department Chair/CAO Expenses
UCOP policy BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions and G-28: Travel Regulations issue guidance that any individual with delegated approval authority may not approve the expenses of any employee to whom he reports directly or indirectly. To comply, all Department Chair/CAO Travel Express reimbursements should be submitted with the Senior Associate Dean of the DGSOM as the approver. The DGSOM Controller's Office issued procedures outlining this process to ensure proper approval.
T&E Exceptions
UCOP policies BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions and G-28: Travel Regulations establish requirements for travel and entertainment expenses and outline the delegated approvers for exceptions. While UCOP and UCLA have provided guidance on these policy limits and requirements along with the delegation of authority for exceptional approval, the DGSOM Contoller's Office has provided further guidance to ensure consistency when submitting requests for payment and reimbursement. Specific procedures have been developed for DGSOM departments to submit certain exceptional travel and entertainment payment and reimbursement requests.
- Department Chair/CAO FAU Access Request Form
- UCOP Policy G-2810/31/2023 Travel Regulations
- UCOP Policy BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions
- DGSOM Procedures 3.01 | Travel and Entertainment – Approval Procedures for Department Chair & CAO Reimbursement and Travel Requests in Express
- DGSOM Procedures 3.05 | Travel and Entertainment – Approval Procedures for Policy Exceptions
- UCLA Travel Guidelines
- UCLA Travel website
- Department Chair/CAO Training Materials
Please contact Charles Lamoreaux, cglamoreaux@mednet.ucla.edu, for questions regarding these topics.