Mailing Address

Department of Physiology
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
10833 Le Conte Avenue, 53-232 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1751

Landmark Discoveries

Our department has a rich history of landmark discoveries in membrane transport, ion channel biophysics, membrane receptors, contractility, and the electrophysiology of nerve, muscle, and heart.

"Our mission is to advance the frontiers of physiological sciences through excellence in research, training of students and fellows, and application of this knowledge." 

Chair's welcome

Stephen C. Cannon, MD, PhD Chair, Department of Physiology
Stephen Cannon

A Culture of Caring, Inclusion, and Community

We aim to promote a culture of inclusion to build and sustain a broadly based community of students, trainees, staff, and faculty within our department. We cherish the breadth of cultural backgrounds, of scientific perspectives, and of scholarly pursuits in our community and strive to ensure they have every opportunity to reach their full potential.

The UCLA Health community in a moment of solidarity: Summer 2020