Genomic Analysis Training Program

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Training Grant in Genomic Analysis and Interpretation

The Genomic Analysis Training Program is funded by a NIH grant and supports UCLA pre-doctoral students whose goal is to conduct research in genomics. The program is designed to insure that students obtain an adequate biological, computational and statistical foundation to succeed in this interdisciplinary field.

Each year, the Genomic Analysis Training Program provides its trainees with stipends and funding for academic fees. The grant also provides support for travel to a yearly NHGRI research and training conference.

Participating faculty represent a multidisciplinary approach to genomics including: biological chemistry, biomathematics, biostatistics, cardiology, chemical engineering, chemistry and biochemistry, human genetics, molecular and medical pharmacology, pathology and laboratory medicine, and pediatrics. Any UCLA faculty member may apply to join the Training Program Faculty. Mentor training is required for all our faculty.

An ideal undergraduate preparation for genomic analysis and interpretation includes:


  • Multivariate Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Statistics


  • Genetics
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular or Cell Biology

Computer science

  • Scientific programming
  • Computational complexity and numerical analysis
  • Bioinformatics and databases