Awards for Education

The med school seeks to recognize students who distinguish themselves within the core domains of the physician citizen scholar curriculum.


Background Checks

Information regarding DGSOM participation in background checks

Basic Science

Inquisitive spirit

Medical school researchers in our basic science departments answer questions that open doors to transformative technologies and life-saving treatments

Becoming a Presenter

Want to make an impact? Learn about the process of becoming a presenter at UCLA's Center for Continuing Professional Development.

Begin Your Teaching Journey Here

A Plethora of Resources to Help Faculty Build Their Foundation for Teaching Trainees

Training resources for aspiring medical school teachers

Behavioral Wellness Center

The medical school behavioral wellness center

Biodesign Fellowship


Medical School Biodesign Fellowship

Biological Spill

Resources and information for biological spills at the medial school

Biology of Autism

Ten years ago we knew the biology of autism, the genetic causes of autism, and now we've identified more than 100 autism risk genes.

Bomb Threats

Steps to prepare and respond to bomb threats