O-1 Extraordinary Worker

O-1 Extraordinary Worker

Obesity & Diabetes

Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are metabolic disorders: Obesity is connected to excessive body fat and high blood sugar is connected to diabetes.

Obesity and Diabetes in Women

Research scientists in the medical school work to identify the genes and genetic mechanisms that underlie both obesity and diabetes


Occupational Risk Training, Prevention, and Protocols

Medical Student occupational risk training and prevention resources and Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Protocol

OCGA Division Assignments

The medical school office of contract and grant administration assists in reviewing, approving and submitting applications and negotiating contracts.

Off-Campus Leased Space


The medical school off campus leased space office

Office of Inclusive Excellence


The medical school is committed to Inclusive Excellence

Office of Inclusive Excellence Academic Mentorship

Office of Inclusive Excellence Academic Mentorship

Office of Inclusive Excellence Overview

Our mission is to promote and sustain an inclusive environment within the DGSOM community for our diverse students, trainees, staff, and faculty.