Badge Buddies
Visibly display your pronouns on your badge.
What is a Pronoun Badge Buddy?
A pronoun badge buddy is a badge that UCLA DGSOM students can attach to their original UCLA Health ID badge in order to visibly display their pronouns. The current version of the pronoun badge buddy was designed by Pride Alliance at DGSOM/CDU and was produced in collaboration with DGSOM’s Office of Inclusive Excellence. The front of the badge displays your pronouns, as well as a helpful mnemonic tool for integrating considerate pronoun use into your personal and professional communications. The back of the badge includes our vision and mission statement in regard to culturally competent care of LGBTQ+ persons. There is also a list of available UCLA Health resources and contact information for LGBTQ+ patient care.
Pride Alliance at DGSOM/CDU created five different versions of the badge buddy template to address the full variety of preferred pronouns:
- My pronouns are: She/Her/Hers
- My pronouns are: He/Him/His3
- My pronouns are: They/Them/Theirs
- My pronouns are: [BLANK]
- Ask me about my pronouns
We suggest using a label maker or a permanent marker to add in pronouns to the blank version if none of the pre-printed templates adequately display your pronouns. We plan to have a label maker available when pronoun badges are distributed in person.
Why should I wear a Badge Buddy?
Why should I wear a Badge Buddy? A person’s pronouns cannot be deduced by their appearance or speech. The only way to know a person’s pronouns is for them to tell you. By displaying your pronouns on your badge, you show to staff and patients the correct way to refer to yourself. Equally important, your badge buddie can open a dialogue about gender identity. You show others that you understand that pronouns are not to be assumed, as well as normalizing the asking and sharing of pronouns. It signals to your trans and gender diverse patients that you have the cultural competency to understand their identity.
Where can I get a Badge Buddy?
All DGSOM medical students will have access to these badges and are initially provided at the beginning of the academic year. They are also provided throughout the year at majority of Pride Alliance's student events. Please email if you have not already received yours. This version of the badge buddie is not currently available to UCLA Health System faculty and staff.