Disabilities and Accommodations

The UCLA DGSOM offers several resources for disability management and modifications, workplace accommodations, leave, or injuries.


Disability Insurance Information

Disability Insurance information for DGSOM medical students

Division Chiefs

Here are the individual personnel, email addresses, phone and fax numbers for the division chiefs in the medical school.

Divisional Managers-MSOs

The MSO's are designed to help with the administrative, financial management, and non-medical, work involved in running the medical school.

Document Requests and Verifications

Medical doctor verification, state medical board licensure, and applying for a medical board of Californina License


Here is a glossary of medical school documents and worksheets.


Download CNS templates and resources. Use these assets to embed the Cultural North Star into your working day and general communications.

DS-2019 Eligibility and Guidelines

J-1 Inviting a J-1 Scholar


Duality of Interest Statements

Health Provider and Educational Roles for Faculty Supervising Students

Statements to help clarify roles for faculty supervising students


Resources and information for earthquake emergencies