
Through our events, mentorships, and training and professional development programs, we strive to build a culture fed by many voices and perspectives.


Explore upcoming events and opportunities hosted by the Cultural North Star Team. These include Coffee with the Dean and the CNS Speaker Series.


Events and groundbreaking research initiatives in neuroscience research on brain disease.


Events annual reflection

Events and Lectures

The medical school office of academic affairs event and lecture series


Examination Policies

Defines policies and processes governing: computer-based exams, OSCE, requesting an exam delay, review, regrading, rescoring, retake, and accommodations.


Examination Procedures

Rescheduling Pre-clerkship Course Exams Approved Request to Reschedule Course Exam Clinical Course Test Release Policy from Clinical Service Accommodations

Excellence in Teaching with Humanism Award

This award created and presented by the medical student body recognizes residents and fellows who model exemplary behavior toward medical students.

Exceptional Physician Awards

UCLA Health System will recognize up to three exceptional physicians at the Annual Honors and Awards Celebration in May.

Exchange Visitor (J-1) Program

J-1 Exchange Visitors