Highlights and Awardees

Highlights and awardees of people in the MS in Genetic Counseling Program.

Hope for Pediatric Leukemia Patients

Obesity makes fighting leukemia a devastating disease on its own, and it's even harder for childhood leukemia patients.


Visa Office Housing

How to Apply

Medical School Application

Attend informational sessions with the Admissions staff if you have questions about medical school applications and medical school requirements

Human Genetics

Medical school students and researchers use knowledge gained from human genetics to improve human health

Human Genetics PhD Program

The Human Genetics PhD Program trains the next generation of leaders in human genetics and genomics to solve medical mysteries.

Human Immune System Generation

The medical school is a leading researcher of hematopoietic stem cells and uses hematopoietic stem cells to aid and rebuild patients' immune systems.


Identification (ID) Cards

Information for students regarding Identification ID Cards and issues with ID cards