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Joan Cerera

Joan Cerera

Assistant Director, Visa and Special Programs

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Joanne Newens

MS3 MEC Reps

Joaquín (Quim) Madrenas, MD, PhD

Joaquín (Quim) Madrenas, MD, PhD

Vice Dean for Faculty, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Joaquin Madrenas

Joaquín Madrenas, MD, PhD

Vice Dean for Faculty, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Jocelyn Tieman

Jocelyn Tieman

Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst, Review Section

Jodi Friedman

Jodi Friedman, MD

Co-Chair, CLEO UME


Joe Meier

Finance Business Partner, Academic Departments

Headshot of John C. Mazziotta, MD, PhD

John C Mazziotta, MD, PhD

Vice Chancellor Health Sciences, Member/Ex-Officio

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John Ho, MS

Master's Alum

John Colicelli

John J Colicelli, PhD

MEC, Co-Chair; Chair of Biological Chemistry JEDI Committee