Our Commitment to the Highest Quality Learning Environment

DGSOM is committed to providing our trainees with the highest quality learning environment where there is mutual respect between medical students, residents, fellow, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, and all members of the education community. 

Mistreatment of trainees is unacceptable and inconsistent with our commitment to zero tolerance for mistreatment of any kind, and of any form of retaliation against those who report.  

Please utilize the Mistreatment Incident Reporting Form (MIRF)to report any incidents of perceived mistreatment. 

CLEO Mission

The Committee on Learning Environment Oversight (CLEO) was formed to review all incidents of mistreatment reported through the Mistreatment Incident Reporting Form (MIRF). Below is the committee’s mission:

  1. To foster a positive learning environment for all trainees, faculty, and staff in order to better serve the educational goals of the medical school. 
  2. To promote the values of the Cultural North Star and high-quality patient care.
  3. To address trainee concerns about all forms of mistreatment and other behaviors which inhibit the creation and maintenance of an optimal learning environment. 
  4. To promote, and eliminate barriers to trainee reporting; including fear of retaliation, minimization of violations, or the belief that a report will not be acted upon.
  5. To provide ongoing education of trainees, faculty, and staff about the importance of optimizing the learning environment, reporting episodes that undermine the creation of an optimal learning environment, and adhering to the protocols and procedures of CLEO.
  6. To manage the actions taken in response to reported episodes of mistreatment.
  7. To maintain and analyze data regarding the learning environment, including trainee surveys, graduation questionnaires, course evaluations, and other data.

CLEO Leadership

CLEO Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Co-Chairs

CLEO Graduate Medical Education (GME) Co-Chairs

CLEO Research & Post Doctoral Trainee Co-Chairs