
Visa Office Communication


Our community is made up of talented individuals who care deeply and work to impact the world for good. Find groups and programs tailored to your goals.

Community and Equity

Equity matters here

Our community is made up of talented leaders who think deeply and work to combat inequities in healthcare

Community and Equity

The UCLA Physiology Department believes access to education and healthcare is a human right. We cherish our diversity and strive to promote inclusion.

Community Engagement

Engage with the UCLA Medical School community. Our 2022 Annual Reflection outlines impactful initiatives fostering collaboration and well-being.

Community Engagement

Community engagement at the medical school

Community Engagement Pillar

Vision: Optimize health through community partnerships

Med school students work closely with underserved communities and during their rotations they visit skid row to provide health screenings.


DGSOM Controller

The medical schools Compliance office


Computing and Encryption Requirements

Outlines the requirements that all medical students must own an encrypted laptop and mobile device that meet requirements specified on the DGIT website.