Research and Creativity

Researchers in medical school solve medical mysteries that transform medicine and patient care one breakthrough at a time.

Research Area Faculty

Meet the UCLA Physiology Department team members currently conducting important research into new and exciting ways to alleviate human suffering.

Research Cores

Medical school tools and services suited to meet your research requirements.


Research Elective Opportunities

provides a link to the research opportunities available to DGSOM medical students.

Research Excellence

The medical school research advances healthcare around the world

Research Faculty

The faculty performing laboratory-based cardiovascular research according to their primary area of research and investigation.

Research Infrastructure

The medical school provides guidance, support and resources for all researchers and clinical trials in all phases of completion.

Research Institutes

Advancing scientific inquiry.

Research institutes at the medical school

Research Leadership

The med school faculty and leadership informs the school and university administrations in all curriculum and research related decisions.

Research Opportunities

The research opportunities for medical school students help solve medical mysteries and expand on established knowledge, one breakthrough at a time.