Teaching Opportunities in the DGSOM HEALS Curriculum

A listing of teaching opportunities available for the HEALS Curriculum


Technical Non-Academic Standards

Essential Abilities and Characteristics Required for Completion of the MD Degree

Outlines the Technical Non-Academic Standards for which all matriculants are expected to achieve competence in the full curriculum required by the faculty.


Testimonials of the medical school pipeline program

The Aging Brain

Neuroscientists are studying neurodegenerative diseases from from the brains of patients with a spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases.

The Amazing Brain

The neuroscience department in the medical school digs deeply into the mechanisms of brain diseases to develop new and effective therapies.

The Developing Brain

Abnormalities in brain development result in intellectual disability, and neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.

The Orchestra in Your Brain

The medical school research team is looking at the behavior of huge ensembles of neurons to discover patterns and rhythms of specific behaviors.

The Switzer Prize

The prize is awarded to reasearch investigators in med school whose discoveries explained pathologies or diseases and inspires transformative breakthroughs.

The UCLA Beat

The UCLA Beat was created by medical school students with the goal of establishing a medium for the expression of literary and visual art.

The Working Brain

The pace of research is staggering and the medical school is uncovering how the brain works and the underlying causes of brain dysfunction.